
Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 108. 140 folios. Paper and parchment. 312x197mm. 18th Century [c. 1758.] [Alchemical miscellany in German, Dutch and Latin, probably compiled by Jan Pieter Rathlaan.]
1. [Two alchemical poems in German.]
2. [Alchemy in German, partly in verse. Illustrated with series of 16 coloured figures, similar to that in the Hermaphroditisches Sonn- und Mondskind. See also Mellon MSS. 94, 132 and 133.]
3. Hoorn. [Alchemy in Dutch, as taught to the compiler.]
4. Johannes Arcasius, O.S.B. [Alchemy in German.]
5. Die gantze haermaetische Arbe˙d [series of 12 miniature oil paintings of a symbolic pictorial alchemy.]
6. [Alchemy in Dutch. With drawings of apparatus on parchment.]
7. Jan Pieter and Cornelia Rathlaan. [A contract in Dutch between them and Baron von Tholl for sharing alchemical secrets.]
8. Baron von Tholl. [Alchemical procedures in Dutch.]
9. [Alchemy in Dutch, with drawings of apparatus.]
10. [Recipe in Dutch.]
11. Calendar der Phylosophen [in German.]
12. Baron von Tholl. [Alchemical recipes and procedures in Dutch.]
13. Johann Heinrich Pott. [Alchemical procedures in Dutch as communicated to the compiler in correspondence.]
14. C. or J.O. von Hellwig. [Alchemy in Dutch.]
15. Waasenberg. [Alchemical procedures in Dutch.]
16. Dritter pitagorischer Sinodus von der verborgener Weissheit [illustrated with 18 paintings on parchment folios, some paralleling images from the Rosarium Philosophorum series.]