British Library MS. Sloane 2503. Paper. Folio. 123 folios. 17th Century. 1. Collection of alchemical processes. ff.1-16.
2. A second collection of alchemical processes, in a different hand. ff.17-22.
3. A third collection of alchemical processes. ff.23-37.
4. A fourth collection of alchemical processes. ff.38-51.
5. A fifth collection of alchemical processes. ff.52-61.
6. A treatise of the Terrestrial Heaven, by Wencelaus Lavinius of Moravia. ff.62-64.
Translated from the Latin, which is printed with the Cheiragogia Heliana of Nicholaus Niger Happelius, Marpurgi Cattor. Octavo, 1612.
7. Treatise on the Cabala. ff.65-74.
Begins: 'The Caball is a symbolicall Receptio of that divine revelatione sent from above, whereby the ancients were enabled to contemplate God and comprehende the separate formes'.
12. Alchemical treatise in verse. f.106.
The commencement is wanting.
Ends: 'And that he wylle for one of hys, on domys day me Kenne,
And graunte me in hys blysse to rayne for ever withe hym. Amen'.
13. Table or figure probably illustrative of the preceding article, and entitled Coelum Philosophorum. f.106b.
The following verses are written at the top:-
'Here followith the figure conteyning all
The secretys off thys tretys bothe grete and smalle'.
14. Table of the origin and relations of stones, metalls and elixirs, according to Raymund Lully. f.107.