British Library MS. Sloane 2639.
Paper. Folio. 22 folios. 17th Century.

Bound with MS. Sloane 2503.
1. The treatise of 'Salomon Trismosin Paracelsus's Master', entitled 'the Golden Fleece or the Flower of Treasures; wherein there is succinctly treated of the Stone of the Philosophers, of its excellence, effects and admirable vertue; furthermore of its Originall, and of the true means to be able to attain to its prefection' translated partly from the German into French by L.J. and into English from the French edition printed in Paris, by C.Silvestre, in 1613. ff.1-6.
2. 'Splendor Solis, or the Brightness of the Sun; of the original of the Philosopher's Stone, and how it is finished by Art; translated from the German'. ff.7-22.