British Library MS. Sloane 3086.
Paper. Quarto. 109 folios. 17th Century.

1. The ninthe book of transmutation of the elements by Theophrastus Paracelsus. ff.1-9.
Begins: 'Lyke as we have spoken of the transmutations or alterations of other things'.
2. The tenth book, entitled, De gradationibus, by the same. ff.10-17.
Begins: 'We will then begine to speake of the gradations'.
3. A treatise on the Philosopher's stone, by the same. ff.17b-28.
Begins: 'To forge the philosophical stone througe Vulcanns the which we call Balsamum perfectum'.
4. An alchymical treatise, by the same, divided into two books, the first treating of fire and the second of tinctures. ff.28b-39.
Begins: 'In the name of God the Father etc, do I intende to writte of the true science of Alchimia'.
5. Versus quidam intitulati, 'Visum votum et conversio Fulberti Eremitae'. ff.40-47.
Begins: 'Vir quidam extiterat dudum Eremita
Fulbertus Francigena cujus dulcis vita'.
6. 'Opus Anexagoras, or his work upon Alchymy'. ff.48-53.
Begins: 'When philosophie bt dylygent stoodye was employed'.
7. To fix [Mercury] into [Silver]. f.55.
8. 'Practica vera Alkamia per Magistrum Ortelanum Parisius probata et experte sub anno Domini 1358, quam Johannes Dunbelii de Anglia excepit et compilavit e libris praefati magisterii in quantum brevius potuit de mandato Canonis de Walkensteyn Treverentis Archiepiscopi 1386'. ff.56-61.
Begins: 'Quatuor sunt species quae ad opus Elixerii pertinent'.
9. Quaedam de projectione. ff.62-65.
Begins: 'Nunc restat ultimum dicere de projectione'.
10. Processus quidam alchymici. ff.66-69, 75b-76.
11. Arnaldi de Villa Nova tractatus cui titulus Flos Florum. ff.69-75.
Exstat impress. inter opera, folio, Lugd. 1520. f.302.
12. Raymundi Lully liber lucis Mercuriorum. ff.77-79.
Begins: 'Per quamlibet litteram dicti alphabeti'.
13. A short treatise, entitled. 'Opus de Elixar ad album et ad rubeum'. ff.79b-81.
14. A treatise on the quintessence of all things divided into two books, the first treating of the vitues of herbs, etc, and the second of the general practice of medicines, curing and helping all man's infirmities. ff.82-98.
16. The golden table of Pythagoras, with spheres of Pythagoras, Plato, Alexander. ff.100b-107.