British Library MS. Sloane 3644.
Paper. Folio. 142 folios. 17th Century.

1. Statuta Philosophorum Incognitorum, cum pro-oemio. ff.1-13.
2. Apographum Epistolarum lv. Michaelis Sandivogii, 1646. ff.13b-60.
3. A secret copied out of an old MS. written by Bernard, a monk of Bermondsea, 1470. f.61.
4. Some Alchymical processes and secrets. f.63.
5. Benigni de Bruni Conclusiones de lapidis philosophorum veritate et constructione cum praefatione. ff.68-77.
6. 'Porta lucis or the way to decyphere the name number and marke off the beaste by a method more rationalle free and unrestrained than ever any hithertils, occasiond by the peremptorie determination off the Lord Napier off Merchestonne upon the name lateinos Rev. 13'. ff.79-85.
7. 'Five short treatises on the philosopher's stone, hidden in a waal in the convent of Marunfel in Thuringia by Henry Eshenveuth whom he hath found in the Convent of Swartzug in Franconia in 1403, and hid again in 1489, and at last found by John Kettlern, from whose copy this is taken'. ff.86-97.
8. An English poem entitled Itinerarium Poeticum. ff.98-110.
Begins: 'The clouds disbanded and th' ascending day
Had with the Twilight, of one golden ray'.
11. Alchymical extracts and processes. Dutch. ff.129-142.