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British Library MS. Sloane 3691. Paper. Quarto. 95 folios. 17th Century. 1. Johannis Pauperis tractatus de lapide Philosophorum, cum prologo. [English]. ff.1-7.
The prologue begins: 'Reverende Gebare witnessethe in the 5th booke of the XIIth chapter that there be 3 manners or orders of meadicyns'.
The first Chapter begins: 'The Stone of the philosophers is called minerall'.
2. A treatise on 'Quinta essencia'. ff.8-25.
Begins: 'Thowe shalt understande the noble scyence of the olde philosophers'.
3. 'Of the multiplication or augmentacion of the Stone after Clangor buccyne'. f.26.
Begins: 'Item Rasis he saythe that the goodnes dothe not change of this multiplication'.
4. Observations on quintessence. f.28.
5. 'To multiplie sylver after Edward the forthe King'. f.29.
6. Alchemycal processes. ff.29b-44.
7. Theophrastus Paracelsus on the transmutation of Cements, with a prologue. ff.44b-49.
The prologue begins: 'Lyke as we have spoken of the transmutations or alterations of other things'.
The treatise begins: 'Thoghe we do not observe the manner of the Auncient'. Printed in Latin, among his Works, Vol II. p.128.
8. The tenth book of Theophrastus Paracelsus de gradationibus. f.50.
Begins: 'We will then begyne to speake of the gradacions'.
Printed Ibid in Latin, Vol II. p.130.
9. 'The Manuell of Theophrasti Paracelsie of the Stone of the Philosophers', with a preface. ff.52-59.
The preface begins: 'For so muche as God hathe begone to worke the spirite phissicke'.
The treatise begins: 'Therefore to forge the philosophicall stone Vulcanus, the which we call Balsamum perfectum'.
Printed ibid. in Latin, Vol II, p.132.
10. 'Alchimica Theophrastis Paracelsis - of symple fyer', with a preface, and divided into three books. ff.60-68.
The preface begins: 'In the name of God, etc; I do intende to wrytt of the true science of Alchymie'.
The Ist book begins: 'Nowe will I wryght what the science dothe fyrste comprehende'.
11. 'The booke of the Rosarie of the Philosophers' [English]. ff.68b-77.
Begins: 'He that desyrethe or entendethe to have the moste trewe Knowledge'.
12. Extracts from Hermes and Geber. f.77b.
13. 'The Table of the noble arte or science of alkymye'. f.78b.
14. An Alchymical tract by John Sawtrey, Monk of Torneye. ff.79b-91.
See another copy in Latin in MS. Sloane 212, f31b.
15. Alchymical extracts and observations. ff.92-95.