Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek MS. 240.

1. Isaac Holland. Opus Mineralium [in English, subtitled "The Book of the Condytions or qualytyes of the physycall stone". With other philosophical sayings and alchemical excerpts, by B. Penoti a Portu Aquitani.]
2. Raymund Lully. Apertorium [in English, with subtitle "a prescious water of this arte of Alkemy".]
3. Raymund Lully. Ars intellective cum praxis [in English by 'Th. Newton 1567'.]
4. Rosarius [in two parts.]
5. The Great Rosary.
6. Stella complextionis perfecti magisterii vel investigationis lapidis per Joh. Gübelem 1384.
7. Water of Everlasting Lyffe.
8. The questions and demandes of the archiebischop of Raeinaes, with the Answers of Guyllam de Cenes [with date '1216' at the end.]
9. [Unidentified alchemical treatise.]
[This MS. is inscribed in various places 'Liber Christophori Thaylour' (Taylor)].