
    
Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1408. 23 + 20 + 411 + 49 pages. Quarto. Early 17th Century. [Seemingly part of R. Napier's collection.]
I. 1. f1-9 [Excerpts from Geber] De lapide philosophico.
2. f9-16 [Excerpts] Ex libro 2° Summae Perfectionis Geberi.
3. f16-20 Practica Magistri Odomari ad discipulum.
4. f20-1 Liber 12m Aquarum, ex libro Emanuel.
5. f21v-22 Frustum de lythargirio. Oleum album fixum philosophicum. Oleum rubicundum fixativum.
6. f22v-23 Reverendi Doctoris Edoardi Cradooci documentum. Lapis philosophicus est duarum materiam.
7. f33 Modus tingendi [Mercury]. Aqua [Mercur]ialis et perennis.
8. f23v Practica Caravantis Hispani. R. sulphuris vivi.
9. f23v-31v [Various alchemical experiments.]
10. f*14-*15 A collection out of certein [chemical] notes of John Maister gent sent to me.
11. f15 Notes on mine owne collection out of th' accurtacons of Raymonde Lulley.
II. 1. p4 [A charm for the stopping of blood.]
2. p5-19 [A collection of chemical receipts and experiments.]
3. p1 Here beginith the Antydotary of this present worke.
p2-17 Here beginith the makynge of the matterials of this Antydotarium beforesayd, written for the elexer, by Fryer F. of the order of the graye fryers.
4. f17-20 [An alchemical testament. "In the name of ...od so be itt. Exsilence by the gr... of God unto the sonne of Sallomone by the ...he I make my teastment."]
III. p1-14 [An alchemical tract written by T. Robson, see MS. Ashmole 1407.]
IV. 1. p1-13 Certeyne notes concerning the first matter of the philosophers' stone [collected from various old authors by T. Robson.]
2. p13-28,33-35 [A collection of chemical operations and experiments.]
3. p32 Notes gathered out of Guido de Monte-majore.
V. 1. p45-54 [Various alchemical operations translated from Latin.]
2. p60-61, 64 [Chemical operations, in the mixture of metals.]
VI. 1. p73-81 [Alchemical operations.]
VII. p93-119 [Collection of alchemical operations and experiments, translated form various old authors, including Roger Bacon.]
VIII. 1. p135-150 [An apology for the obscurity of alchemical books, and the secrecy observed by the professors of this art.]
2. p151-169 A Treatise and Journey of the most famous Mr Salomon Trismosini, togither with excellent tinctures.
3. p169-176 Copulature, or the first beginninge of Mettalls; which Mr. J.C. [Jerome Crinot] hath written and ordeyned to the entrance of the universall tincture.
4. p177-194 Universalis Tinctura, of Mr Hyeronimi Crinoti, translated out of this alphabet, and out of secrett writings, which are found amonge the treasure of the Aegyptian bookes by the writinges of Trismosin. I Georges Biltdorff Abbat at this time at S. Morin give witness that Hieronimus Crinot, Deuchman, which hath lived a long time in Aegypte amongst the heathen.
5. p195-204 Three augmentations out of the wrytings of Mr Jeorge Biltdorffer, which hath been Abbot at Sancte Morino.
6. p205-213 Elixir and tincture out of Theophraste, curing the leprie, the gout, the dropsie, opoplexie, and all other kinds of diseases.
7. p213 The tinctures of Paracelse.
8. p220-224 An augment with [Mercury] of [Lead] of Johannis Trithemij Abbot in Spanheim, the which D. Paracelsus hath receaved, and this is written out of his owne hand's writing.
9. p224-227 The testamente of Theophrasti Paracelsi, wherein the transmutation of the 7. metalles is declared, how they shall be turned into [gold].
10. p228-230 The spirituall Sonne, out of the booke of Carneson Bartholomaei Korndorffers. A tincture with Venus, Mars and Mercurye.
11. p231-3 [3 alchemical recipes.]
12. p234-6 A perpetual fier. An ancient processe wryten by a Carthusian Moncke before 100 years lefft, and affterward founde out, which is an mercurial water wherein luna is turned into [gold] in 8 houres.
13. p237-238 A vere ancient processe, wrytteb by a Carthusian Monke.
14. p238 An other tincture of a Moncke named Pater Gregorius, a discipel of Mr. Arnoldus de Villanova...
15. p239-244 Two eternall unquenchable burning temporal lights of Mr. Trittemio Abbat at Sponheim, described by the hande of Bartholomeus Korndorffer.
16. p245-246 A preface of the Aegyprian royall tincture dated in the year 1490.
p247-250 The tincture of the great Aegyptian King Xophar, King at Silon, wryten by Crinot.
17. p250-253 The booke Suforethon of Salomon Trismosin [about the tincture of the] Aegyptian King Xopholat [who] hath prolonged his life 300 yeares therewith! written by Crinot.
18. p254-270 The booke Cangenireron of Salomon Trismosin, wherein 9 tinctures are contayned which springe all out of the roote.
19. p270-278 The Red Eagle of Salomon Trismosine whearwith marvellous thinges are to be done in pretious stones and mettalls.
20. p278-283 Moratosan. The booke [of] Salomon Trismosin of 8 tinctures. I Salomon Trismosin wryte a secrette of the astrolicke tincture unto thee, this is the Blacke springled Eagle in his spirituality.
IX. p301-311 Rudimenta Chymica, cum selectioribus quibusdam ad quamlibet partem exemplis. A DD. F. Gillot.
X. 1. f343-4 A woorke of [silver] Mr Carnaby of Chichester.
2. p350-351 [The proportions of '20' drugs composing "Emplastrum sticticum".]
3. p353-6 Vasis dispositio ad opus nostrum conveniens...
4. p359-61 The Italian booke translated, of the perfit woorke of Camphora practised by Cherico Abbott of Colonenia.
5-13. p367-411 [Various alchemical recipes and processes.]
XI. 1. p1-2 [Alchemical recipe.]
2. p3-22 The like Key of Raymund Lully, a Spaniard of ye Majorican isle, wch is called ye Opener of ye Locke wherin all thinges wch are required in ye worke of alchymie, ar plainely set foorthe and declared.
p23-49 [Various alchemical recipes and processes.]