Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1421. 1. A collection of alchemical processes and experiments 'Taken forth out of the little Blacke Boke'.
2. 'The worke of cako', or a tract thus entitled 'de lapidem philosophicum, per Forman 1605'.
3. 'Thes [alchemical experiments wre taken] forth of the old booke with the thine parchement covers'.
4. 'The first operation of a great worke' of alchemy.
5. 'Aqua vitae. The true Mercury of the philosophers'.
6. 'seven condicions. 1. The first condicion is this, that yf ther be one kinde of argentum vive'.
7. The alchemical book of 'Multiphar' in seven chapters.
8. The praises of 'Sol, luna, sulphur, mercurie - Sulphur - Sol - Luna - Jubiter.
9. The vision of Johanis Dastine.
10. Two texts in short summary called 'Five Words'.
11. 'To try gould whether it be good or not good'.
12. 'Off what things the tinctures are made, or mercurye philosophorum'.
13. A 'parable' concerning the work of the elixir 'Of the Earle of Travisan'.
14. A large collection of alchemical secrets, receipts, experiments and processes.
15. 'Ymago' or the nature of planetary influence, subscribed 'per Forman'.
16. 'The best tymes for all preparations by astromyme, sett downe by Doctor Forman'.
17. Continuation of the select alchemical experiments and processes.
18. 'The Goulden Booke of Roger Bacon, the fryer of Osney, of thinges wheron we worke in the worke of sublymacion pro lapide philosopohico'.
19. 'A treatis of the most excelent Mr Dunstan Bishop of Canterburie, a true philosopher, concerninge the philosophers stone'.
20. 'Of the abrivation of the worke, wherin are contained almost all elixers and the manner of makinge them, out of them, out of Dunstan the Bishop'.
21. 'A white worke which Ripley usd before he had the great worke'.
22. 'George Ripleyes Mijter'.
23. 'John of Londons his work on vitrioll'.
24. 'A worke of the mineral Stone'.
25. 'For to gilt silver, copper, or latine'.
26. 'The Key of Alchimie' in eight treatises by Samuel Norton: with introductory verses, dedication to Q. Elizabeth date 'from St John's in Cambridge the 20th of July 1577.
27. Drawings of six furnaces used in alchemy.
28. 'George Ripley's Bosome-booke. The whole worke of the stone philosophicall, of the first solution of the grose bodye'.
29. 'George Rypleis practis by experience of the stone'.
30. 'Rypleis vigitable watter, viz., vigitable menstrue out of his philosum'.
31. 'A curtation to congell and fix mercury crud'.
32. Two notes of alchemical operations, by Robson, in 1614 and 1615.