Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1426. I. 1. 'Incipit prologus in libro qui vocatur Rosarius Philosophorum auctore Arnoldo de Villa Nova.
2. 'Secuntur quedam Glose super diversas sententias philosophorum, sicut scriptum est libro Novelle Margarite'.
II. 'Magnum opus Saturni, Johannis Isaaci, ex Flandrico sermone in Latinum translatum...'.
III. 'George Ripley his worke of breviation of the Philosophers stone'.
IV. 'The work of [Saturn of Lead] in the preparation of the philosophers' stone'.
V. 1. 'Here begynneth the boke conteyning myne opyneons in the scyence of this philozophy'. [Ripley is often quoted in this MS.].
2. 'The preparacyon of mercury is one of the ... secret poyntes of aule this scynce'.
3. 'Here folowth the declaracyon .. wark from the inhibicyons forthe to fermentacyon'.
4. 'Opus Henrici Cornelii Agrippe de occulta philosophia liber primus'.
5. 'Magisterium primum 2 Libri...Here begynneth the 2d boke of Bacon, that treatith of the generall remedise'.
6-8. Various medical recipes.
VI. 1. 'A treatise of the philosopher's stone, found in a Manuscript, written in ye old English tongue'.
2. Alchemistae cuiusdam antiqui Testamentum de arte sua.
3. 'To sublyme arsnicke, etc'.
VII. 'The Booke of Phelosophers mad by George Ripley of the possibillitee of this science'.
VIII. 1. Traite de l'oeuvre de la pierre philosophique.
2. 'Recapitulation, et briefe sommmaire de tout ce, qui est escrpt cy devant'.
3. Shapes of vessels used in this work.
4. 'Le forme et facon du double vaisseau, tant de celluy de verre contenant la matiere'.
IX. 1. 'Le secret philosophique'.
2. 'The werke of Sr Robert Grin'.
3. 'A notable Elixir'.
4. 'The warke of Nycolas Flamyng bowke prenter in Paris'.
5. 'Argus the phylosopher'.
6. 'A Calcination upon sol'.
7. Maister Arnaund de Villa Nova sayes in is Resayger wache or prey wysele and not fowlychely'.