Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1479. 324 folios. Paper. Folio. 16th Century. [The first unnumbered leaf has the autograph of 'Rychard Walton' the collector and writer of this manuscript.]
1. f1-30v The Philosophers Treasuer [in fact, G. Ripley's Twelve Gates, or Compound of Alchemy.]
2. f31 Her folowith the fygure contaynyng all the secretes of thys tretes, bothe great and small. Celum Philosophorum. [Ripley's Wheel?]
3. f32 Septem condiciones hujus materie.
4. f33 [Alchemical verses.]
5. f33-34 The true makyng of ye fyre of nature, ye wc ys a quyntessence... Collectyd be Rycc' Waultowne alias Walton, haburdassher... [and] An excellent makyng of rosa solis, ye wc may be browght to a quintessence.
6. f31-32 Incipit tractatus intitulatus Medulla Alchimie, honorando et pat[r]i et domino, domino N. et cc' compilatus.
7. f32-34 Here after folowythe thes versys in Ynglysshe and put in mytter, by Wyllam Bolosse.
8. f35-42v Here foloythe the treatyse [Marrow] of Allchymy, compyled by Georg Ryple anno 1476.
9. f43-44 Here begynythe yt Concordance bytwyne Guido and Raymonde Lully...
10. f44-51v Some men calle thys boke here foloyng the Perfet Mastry of Aristotle; but I know welle by Mr Norton, and by alle hys workes in the Greke, yt yt ys Anaxagoras of Conversyon[s] Naturall.
11. f52 Here foloythe a smalle worke of George Rypley, the wc sholld hawe bene sete next after the Concordance...
12. f52v Ye perfecte makyng of ye fyre agaynste nature, after Raymond.
13. f53-140v Here beginnith the Theoricke part of Raymonde Lullye his Testament [translated into English by W. Atherton 1558.]
14. f140v Here folowythe a short work, but ye autour I knowe not. The menstru minerall may be made.
15. f141-170 Here begynnyth the Practize of Raymonde Lullye, and fyrste the definition what alchymy ys.
16. f170v-178v The shorte and compendious Arte of Raymond Lully, in the whiche ys cuplid and knygh[tt] the flowers of all his bokes.
17. f179-215 The bok of Mercuries or of Elixir Mercuriall, beyng ye 2de parts of ye Practyze of Raymonde Lulli.
18. f215v-216v Sequitur Cantilena Raymundi Lullij.
19. f217-218 Here folowyth a work very schort, but not so schort as yt ys true [Printed in Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, p393-396.]
20. f218v-219 Here foloythe ye Exposytion of ye 4 Fyers, expounded by Rychard Walton...
21. f219-220 [Walton's observation upon 'the fygures upon the 191 page that ys the boke of Mercuries.]
22. f220-222, 300v-301 An order how to mak oylles, and ye nature of ye same oylles, and for what they be good.
23. f222v [Details of Walton's family.]
24. f223 An exposition worthy to be wrytten in letters of gollde.
25. f223 How to use ye rede medizyn for ye hellthe of manes body.
26. f223v-225v Sequitur Cantilena Ryplei [in Latin.]
27. f225v Here folowyth these versys in Ynglyshe.
28. f229-236 The prologue of George Rypleye unto hys treatyze wc ys intytulyd Philorsium of ye Alchymistes.
29. f237-242 The Epistle of Accortation of ye ph'ors stone sente by Raymond [Lully] to kyng Robert.
30. f242v-243 A good notte for alle syche as wylle presume to take in hand to practyze, before they be suffycyently instructyd.
31. f243 [The uses of the drug diapiganon, and a recipe.]
32. f254-298v [Thomas Norton's Ordinall of Alchemy.]
f298v-299v [Norton's Proehme.]
f299v-300 [A translation of Norton's Preface.]
33. f301v-302v The manner to tak owt ye sole of Saturne.
34. f305-311, 314 Here folowyth the Philorcium of George Rypley.
35. f314 An other worke, but ye author I know not.
36. f314v, 320-324v [Diverse remedies and medical prescriptions.]