British Library MS. Sloane 487.
Paper. Duodecimo. 12 folios. 17th Century.

'The center of nature concentrated, or Ali Puli his tractate of the regenerated salt of nature, writt in Arabian language by him, and translated in Portugall language by H.L.V.A.H., and into the German language by D.J.O.H. [Helbigius], 1682, and into English by F.E. ' f.196.
Begins: 'Dr Helbigius in his preface to the formentioned treatise saith that Ali Puli, the author hereof, was an Asian Moor.' Another copy of this tract is in MS. Sloane 609, fol.30. It is only an abridgement of the original, a complete translation of which, by E. Brice, was printed in duodecimo, London, 1696.