London, Wellcome Institute MS. 52.
2 + 181 folios. 195x155mm. Early 17th Century.

Arcanum arcanorum philosophorum de lapis [sic] philosophorum Mittel unnd Endt, durch viellfaltigen Beweiss dir fur beschriben wirdt und anngezeugt, damit, der wahre getrowe durstige Liebhaber und nachfolger, der rechter unnd wahre Crone aller Weissheit nachzufolgen sich zu trencken zu haben.
[This MS. is the work of a fervent disciple of Paracelsus, from whose writings he has made many extracts. There are also many quotations from, and references to the works of Basilius Valentinus.]
[8 pen drawn symbolical figures.]
[From the Julius Kohn library.]