British Library MS. Sloane 75.
Paper interspersed with some parchment leaves. Small quarto. 185 folios. 15th Century.

Miscellaneous medical and alchemical works. Includes:
1. Roberti de Cisterna. Curae super Viaticum. ff.1-90.
4. Roger Bacon and John de Rupecissa. De quinta essentia tripartus ab aliquibus.
11. Fragmentum tractatus alchymi de corporibus. f.137. 17. Ramon Lull. Ars operatura. ff.157-161.
18. Ramon Lull. Prologus Monaldi Monachi. ff.162-164.
21. De Lapide philosophorum. f.172.
24. Arnald of Villanova. Epistola ad Jacobum de Toledo. ff.182-184.
25. Ramon Lull. De xvi electuariis. f.183.
26. Ramon Lull. List of works. f.185.