London, Wellcome Institute MS. 519.
93 folios. 200x145mm. 16th Century [1579-1582.]

Miscellanea Alchemica XIV.
1. f2-22 Johannes Viennensis. Speculum elementorum [in English.]
f23-25 [Alchemical receipts.]
2. f26-35 R. Lullius. Theorica [in English.]
3. f37 [Alchemical poem in English.]
4. f38-45v Miles Blomefield. Blossoms.
5. f47-60 John Dastin Speculum philosophiae [in English.]
6. f60v-70v [Alchemical extracts in prose and verse including on f63v the verses from the 'Ripley Scroll'.]
7. f71-81 George Ripley. [Extracts from his 'Bosom Book' and other prose works.]
8. f81v-82v Johannes de Magna Villa. Work.
9. f83v-85v Arnoldus de Villanova. Experimentum [in English.]
10. f86-90v [St. Albertus Magnus.] Miroir de lumière.
11. f91-93 [Alchemical receipts in English and French.]