London, Wellcome Institute MS. 524.
138 folios. 190x160mm. 16th Century [1543.]

Miscellanea Alchemica XXIV.
[Collection of alchemical tracts mainly in German, the last two in Latin. Illustrated by numerous water-coloured drawings.]
1. f2-15 Dicta philosophorum. ['Pretiosissimum Donum Dei', in German.]
[f2v Watercolour drawing of two monks at work in an alchemical laboratory. Then sequence of 1 + 11 flasks of the 'Donum Dei' series, with a final coloured drawing of a flask with red liquid set in a furnace. The drawings are small and not particularly well executed.]
2. f16-38v Arnoldus de Villanova. De capite corvi [extract, in German.]
3. f39-41v [Alchemical verses in German.]
4. f41v-47 [Alchemical verses in 4 line stanzas.]
5. f47v-55v [G. Sedacerius.] De lapide rubeo.
6. f56-65 R. Lullius. [Alphabets. Extracts in German from 'Practica', etc.]
7. f67-71 N. Albinus. Caput corvi [in German.]
8. f71-73 Johannes Parisiensis. Elixir.
9. f73-94 [Miscellaneous alchemical receipts.]
10. f98-122 C. Hartung von Hoff. Von Bereythung dess gebenedeyten philosophischen Steins.
11. ff125-129 Ex opere secreto de lapide.
12. f133-135 J. B. Montanus. [Extracts on alchemical processes, by a different hand.]
[From the library of W.T. Scott-Elliot. With bookplate of Thomas South.]