London, Wellcome Institute MS. 1737.
92 pages + 1 folio + 232 pages. + 11 folios. 235x190mm. 19th Century [c. 1850-1875.]

Colonne, François Marie Pompée [and others].
p1-92 The Seed of the Chemical Philosophers. To serve justly as an answer to the objections and observations of a Modern Author which has been made against the Great Art of Alchemy... By Monsr. Colonne.
p1-193 Mysteries and Secrets of the Cabala and Chemical Philosophers [etc.]
p193-205 [Notes and extracts on alchemy.]
p206-end The Aesch-Mezareph or Purifying Fire. [Translated, with an index to the Hebrew words from the 'Kabbala denudata' by Christian Knorr von Rosenroth.]
[Holograph translation and an original treatise, etc. by Charles William Hoyland.]
[With some notes by Julius Kohn.]