London, Wellcome Institute MS. 2550.
10 parts in I volume. Various sizes. 18th and 19th Centuries.

[Collection of notes and extracts on Alchemy, by Mrs. M. Graham and others.]
1. [Note book lettered 'Martial tincture 1500'.]
2. Ripley, Sir. G. The Bosom Book on the Philosopher's Stone. A General secret of Accurtation. [Transcript dated 1827.]
3. [Alchemical receipts.]
4. [Alchemical receipts.]
5. [Alchemical receipts.]
6. [Extracts and notes on Alchemy.]
7. [Notes on Sal ammoniac.]
8. [Alchemical notes and extracts. Notes of the 'Manual practise of assaying' by John Mitchell.
9. Of the Solution of our Salt. [By an earlier 19th century hand.]
10. Limojon de Saint Disdier, Alexandre Toussaint de. Lettre aux vrays disciple[s] d'Hermes contenant les six premiers clefs de la Philosophie scrette de Sendivogius. [Transcript c. 1765, of the work first published in 1689.]
[This is followed by alchemical notes and extracts, including some from Pernety's 'Dictionnaire mytho-Hermétique', Paris 1758.]