London, Wellcome Institute MS. 2590.
76 folios. 245x180mm. Early 18th Century.

[Grasshoff, Johann]. Le mistère de la nature cachée. Par Valchius disciple de Jean Grasseus dit Cortolassée. Traduit du latin en françois par Raymond Baçon S[ieur] de Presle. 1690.
[Grasshof aso wrote under the names of 'Johannes Chortalasseus', 'Grassaeus', 'Grasseus', and 'Herman Condeesyanus'. No French printed translation of this work seems to be recorded, but the original (?) German version was published in Hamburg in 1657, and a Latin translation in Zetzner's 'Theatrum Chemicum' Vol VI.]
[f52-4 contain a 'Relation de M. Helvetius' extracted from his 'Vitulus aureus', dated 1664, concerning an alleged transmutation of lead into gold by a goldsmith named Grib at the Hague.]