London, Wellcome Institute MS. 2950.
219 folios. Various formats. 19th Century [1865].

Hoyland, Charles William. Collection of translations, notes and extracts from alchemical authors, and from Knorr von Rosenroth's 'Cabbala denudata', mostly incomplete or fragmentary. Authors holograph. Includes :
Resumé of 'Sepher Itzirah'.
Sancta Kabbala.
'The Keys' - remarks and enquiries on the great mysteries of Hermetic Philosophy.
'Aesch Mezareph' (fragments.)
Analysis of the 'Seven Chapters of Hermes.'
Resumé of the 'Four Keys of Occult Sciences'.
Translation of alchemical writing of Alexander von Suchten.
Extracts from the 'Kabbala denudata' on the Hebrew alphabet.
'Mysteries and secrets of the Cabala combined with the Chemical Philosophers, showing the connection of the two from whence derived.'
[See Welcome MS. 1737.]