London, Wellcome Institute MS. 3639.
3 folios + 198 pages + 37 folios. 305x190mm. 17th Century [1698.]

D. Moulin. [Collection of translations, with added notes, of ten short alchemical works.]
1. R. Lullius. Experiments.
2. The most new Testament, dedicated to King Charles.
3. Christophorus Parisiensis. The Elucidary.
4. J. I. Hollandus. [De lapide philosophico.]
5. Hugo de Parma. Alchemical work.
6. R. Lullius [and others]. Extracts.
7. D. Moulin. The operation of our Glorious Mercury upon the Calxes of all mettals.
8. G. Ripley. Accurtation.
9. C. Grummet. The Praxis of the Vitriol of Venus in the 2 book of 'Sanguis Naturae'.
10. Caducean of Mercury [with notes of D. Moulin].
11. A. von Suchten. The Concordance.
12. D. Moulin. [Notes.]