Tarot de Camargue - Lou Tarot de Camargo
Jo Demonflin
Card 23 The Four Elements
Art Medium:
Pencil drawings witrh pastel.
The Majors are renamed to various people and situations relevant to the Camargue. Most of the faces depicted have only a single eye, and the female faces have no mouth or nose. The artwork style is a little bit reminiscent of some of Picasso's or Chagall's work, though in no way copied from these. One of the amazing features of this deck is the use of Langue d'Oc (or Occitan) for the titles of the cards. Thus the Magician is 'Lou Mesteirau', the Fool is 'l’irraciounau', the Chariot 'La Tirasso', Death (Metamorphosis) 'Lou Tremudamen', and so on. It is a rather beautiful and unusual deck. Flamingos and bulls, for which the Carmargue region of France is famous, are both prominent symbols on the cards.