Tarots Egipcios
Dr Moorne
Art Medium:
Line drawings coloured with process colour.
Subtitled 'El Supremo arte de Echar las Cartas'. Each card is divided into four panels. The main image is placed on the right, and the central panel on the left side has a contrived Egyptian hieroglyph. On the Majors 1-21 and 78 the Fool, the top and bottom panels on the left contain the hebrew letter associated with the arcanum. Cards 22 - 78 have the Minor arcana of four suits. The top panel on the left has a conventional depiction of the minors, while the panel below has a picture of the correcponding playing card. In panels at the top and bottom are Etteilla style keywords, the top containing the upright correspondences while the lower has the reversals. The Majors are retitled and assigned to non-standard numbers.