Liminal Tarot
Penelope Kline
The Threshold
Art Medium:
Pencil and watercolour.
The author and artist Penelope Cline has produced two tarot decks and a set of cards based on Fitzgeral's translation of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyáme. The Liminal is a full set of 78 + 1 cards. The artwork shows the strength of the drawing skills with which she created the framework for her images. These she has painted in watercolour, exploiting its flowing liquid nature to create diffuse, almost ethereal effects, but also using watercolour pencils to heighten and strengthen the forms where necessary. The term 'liminal' became used in anthropology in the twentieth century to indicate the experience in rituals and rites of passage, where someone senses being on the threshold of another world. It is this metaphor that permeates the imagery of her deck. The deck comes in a printed metal tin.