Alchemy Academy archive April 2006 Back to alchemy academy archives. Subject: ACADEMY: Newton's alchemical manuscripts online From: Adam McLean Date: 6 April 2006 With the support of the National Science Foundation, The Chymistry of Isaac Newton is producing a scholarly online edition of Newton's alchemical manuscripts integrated with new research on Newton's chymistry. To date, about seven hundred pages have been transcribed and encoded in TEI/XML. Of these, roughly six hundred have been edited and are available online, including Newton's Most Complete Laboratory Notebook. See http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/newton/index.jsp Subject: ACADEMY: Detlef Klefeker - Pyrophilus From: Robert Collis Date: 28 April 2006 I am currently writing the last chapter of my doctoral thesis on religion and esotericism at the court of Peter the Great and am interested to know more about a certain chap called Detlef Klefeker. I am aware that he wrote an alchemical work using the pseudonym of Pyrophilus, as this is listed on the alchemywebsite database, but I would like to know more about him. Das Fundament der Lehre vom Stein der Weisen, oder des Urältesten Philosophi Hermetis Trismegisti Tabula Smaragdina. Welche Tafel bisher von den meisten für ein unauflöslich Rätzel gehalten worden: Dieselbe hat nunmehro in Teutscher Sprache mit experimentirter Wahrheit deutlich erkläret, und darum sich genennet, Pyrophilus. Vorerinnerung! Alle gerechten Exemplarien von dieser Schrifft hat der Auctor eigenhändig unterschrieben und besiegelt. Hamburg, 1736 Actually, I also know that he wrote another work entitled 'Pyrobolia succincta' in 1703. Basically, he was in St. Petersburg in 1725 and offered to buy Orffyreus' Perpetual Motion machine for the Tsar just before he died. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Robert Collis |