Alchemy Academy archive April 1999 Back to alchemy academy archives. Subject: ACADEMY: Alchemy academy From: Adam McLean Date: 21 Apr 1999 The alchemy academy has now been set up and will be operated through a new e-mail address There are initially 60 members. This is a moderated discussion group for the scholarly and academic study of alchemy. Due to the problems that seem to be inherent in discussing alchemy, as many of us will have noted over the past four years of the various discussion groups I have organised, this group will be rigorously focussed on an academic and scholarly approach to alchemy. I, as moderator, will create a space in which serious discussion of alchemy can take place without the tedious degeneration into pointless speculation which has characterised previous incarnations of this group. Of course, only messages relevant to the scholarly and academic study of alchemy will be posted out. In the next few days I will post out the welcome message outlining the ground rules for this group. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal From: Adam McLean Date: 21 Apr 1999 Does anyone have access to an early 20th century journal entitled The Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal This has a number of important articles on alchemy, and some translations of key arabic alchemical works into English. I would very much like to have photocopies made of articles from this journal. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Article on prolongation of life and alchemy From: Adam McLean Date: 20th Apr 1999 I recently found an interesting article in The Transactions of the American Philosophical Society Volume 56, Part 9, 1966. Gerald J. Gruman. A history of ideas about the prolongation of life. The evolution of prolongevity hypotheses to 1800. This has a substantial section on alchemy and amongst other matters discusses various links between Chinese, Arabic and Western alchemy. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Article on prolongation of life and alchemy From: Veerle Fraeters Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 A more recent article on the same theme: A. Paravicini Bagliani, Rajeunir au Moyen Age. Roger Bacon et le mythe de la prolongation de la vie, in Revue médicale de la Suisse romande 106 (1986), p.9-23. Veerle Fraeters Subject: ACADEMY : 14th/15th century primary documents From: Jim Luebke Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 I am a university student in the midst of preparing for a thesis project involving alchemy in the 14th and 15th centuries. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to useful primary sources on the subject, or even secondary literature. I am especially interested in Western Europe, although any sufficiently influential text from elsewhere in Europe or the Middle East (or earlier in time) would be useful as well. Unfortunately, my only languages are English and a depressingly small amount of German. Also, I'm not sure I have the time to wade through endless piles of documents. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Jim Luebke UCI, History / Aero Eng Subject: ACADEMY : 14th/15th century primary documents From: Adam McLean Date: 21 Apr 1999 Jim Luebke wrote: >I am a university student in the midst of preparing for a thesis >project involving alchemy in the 14th and 15th centuries. I was >wondering if anyone could direct me to useful primary sources >on the subject, or even secondary literature. I am especially >interested in Western Europe, although any sufficiently influential >text from elsewhere in Europe or the Middle East (or earlier in time) >would be useful as well. A good initial survey will be this article. Ogrinc, Will H.L. Western society and alchemy from 1200 to 1500. Journal of Medieval History 6 (1980) p103-132. You could focus on the influence of a particularly important text on the alchemy of this period. The obvious candidates for this would be the 'Turba philosophorum' or the 'Tabula Smaragdina', both of which shaped the alchemy of the 14th and 15th centuries. There are many secondary sources dealing with either of these two texts. The 'Turba' is long and complex but an extremly rich source of ideas. The Emerald tablet is very short but extremely influential, though it is not always easy to trace its distinct influence, as its ideas are so universal in the alchemy of this time, that it can be difficult to tease out it as a direct source for a particular author. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal From: Guy Ogilvy Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 Assuming the journal to which you refer was published in India, you might try Dr Y P Gogia in India at oscar@del2.vsnl.net.in I recently purchased a book on Indian medicinal alchemy through his bookfind. He may at least be able to point you closer to a source. Best regards Guy Ogilvy Subject: ACADEMY : Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 From: Anna Hedigan Adam, Have checked the reference in our Uni Library and found this Asiatick researches: or transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature of Asia. London: Printed by T. Maiden for Vernor, Hood & Sharpe 1806 - 1812. Ten volumes. All are available, and if this is the right resource I am happy to make copies for you. Also, a reference for extracted Tibetan Studies from the Society's publications, by Hungarian scholar Alexander Csoma de Koros - useful?? yours Anna Subject: ACADEMY : Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal From: Robben Hixson Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 Dear Adam I have a 24 volume set of the Asiatic Society which was formed January 15, 1784 and was published regularly until 1839. Its founder was Sir William James. This set is a reprint under the title `Asiatic Researches, History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, Ethnology, and Literature of Asia'. Could this be what you are looking for? If it is I would be happy to send copies of any articles. Robben Hixson Subject: ACADEMY : Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal From: Adam McLean Date: 21Apr 1999 Here are the articles in the 'Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal' that I would like to locate. These date to the early decades of this century. These are primarily on Islamic alchemy and include translations of some key texts into English. 1 (2) Oct 1905, 25-42. Stapleton, H. E. Sal-ammoniac: a study in primitive chemistry. 1 (2) Oct 1905, 47-71. Stapleton, H. E. & Azo, R. F. Alchemical Equipment in the eleventh century, A.D. 3 (2) 1910, 57-94. Stapleton, H. E. & Azo, R. F. An alchemical compilation of the thirteenth century, A.D. 8 (6) Jun 1927, 315-418. Stapleton, H. E., Azo, R. F. & Husain, M. H. Chemistry in 'Iraq and Persia in the tenth century A.D. 8 (7) 1929, 417-460. Ahmad, m. & Datta, B. B. A Persian translation of the 11th century Arabic alchemical treatise 'Ain as-San'ah wa 'Aun as-Sana'ah. 12 (1) 1933 p1-213 H. E. Stapleton and M. Hidayat Husayn. Muhummad ibn Umail. Three treatises on alchemy. Subject: ACADEMY : Ibn Bishrun's 'Treatise on alchemy' From: Adam McLean Date: 22 April 1999 It never ceases to amaze me that the core processes of alchemy are described consistently in the texts of various traditions over a thousand years or more. Today I found a English translation of a treatise on alchemy by Ibn Bishrun who lived around about 1000 A.D. [This can be seen in 'The Muqaddimah', translated from the Arabic by Franz Rosenthal, RKP, London, 1958.] From Ibn Bishrun's 'Treatise on alchemy' With God's blessing, here is the treatment: Take the noble stone. Deposit it in the cucurbit and alembic. Separate its four elements, which are water, air, earth, and fire. They are substance, spirit, soul, and dyeing. When you have separated the water from the earth and the air from the fire, keep each one apart in its own vessel. Take the dregs - the sediment - at the bottom of the vessel. Wash it with hot fire, until the fire has removed its blackness, and its coarseness and toughness have disappeared. Blanch it carefully and evaporate the superfluities of the humidities concealed in it. It will thus become white water, which contains no darkness, dirt, or disharmony. Then, turn to those primary elements that are distilled from it. Cleanse them, too, of blackness and disharmony. Wash them repeatedly and sublimate them, until they become fine, subtle, and pure. When you have done this, God has given you success. Subject: ACADEMY : Esoterica - The Journal of Esoteric Studies From: Adam McLean Date: 22nd Apr 1999 May I take this opportunity of introducing people to a web based Journal called Esoterica: The Journal of Esoteric Studies. You can find it at http://www.esoteric.msu.edu There are a number of articles which may be of interest and relevance to alchemy and I was especially interested in a tranlation of part of Georg von Welling's 'Opus Mago-Cabalisticum et Theosophicum', made by Arthur Versluis. Adam McLean Here is a part of the description of the journal's approach: Our primary emphasis in Esoterica is the scholarly investigation of esoteric spiritual traditions, with a special emphasis on Western esotericism. Western esoteric traditions are of a remarkable variety, ranging from Gnosticism and Hermeticism to alchemy, magic, Christian mysticism, Kabbala, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and other secret or semi-secret societies. Investigation in this field is by nature transdisciplinary, drawing upon such diverse disciplines as history, religious studies, and literature, without belonging solely to any of these. Esoterica does not endorse any particular methodological approach to the study of esoteric traditions, but does discourage reductionism - that is, the denigration rather than the study of esoteric traditions or figures. The scholarly study of esotericism as a field is still relatively new, and we at Esoterica encourage a variety of approaches to this rich field of inquiry as well as open discussion of methodological differences, while bearing in mind our common aim of broadening and deepening our understanding of the vast range of esoteric works and figures. This is an academic, peer-reviewed journal, and our goals are to act as a means for communication among existing scholars in the field, to be a resource for those in academia encountering this field for the first time and considering introducing their students to it, to encourage new scholars in this emerging discipline, and to offer a reliable source of knowledge to all who are interested in esoteric studies. More than most, this field of inquiry lends itself to electronic media because it is so replete with illustrations, music, and often enigmatic writings. We are not simply placing written materials online, but seeking to offer a new form of scholarship that takes advantage of technology to present a fuller understanding of the ambience of any given work or figure. In this way, Esoterica will be of benefit not only to researchers in this field, but also to those who wish to draw upon our resources in order to study and teach this field in university and college classrooms. Subject: ACADEMY : Ibn Bishrun's 'Treatise on alchemy' From: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 Date: catherine fox-anderson Dear Adam, Where is Ibn Bishrun from? I have seen this text before. Did you translate from the arabic? Thank you, Catherine ------------------- This is included in the 'The Muqaddimah', translated from the Arabic by Franz Rosenthal, RKP, London, 1958. You will find some information on Ibn Bushrun in the article by Professor Ead 'Alchemy in Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah' on the alchemy web site http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam20.html Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : What did an alchemist earn? From: Adam McLean Date: 27th April 1999 I recently found this short article in the Ciba Symposia, Feb 1942. It gives some information about the earnings of Thurneysser. Though he was perhaps untypical of the alchemists of that time, being more an entrepreneur, this does give us a suggestion about how an entreprising person like Thurneysser could make a living from alchemy. Adam McLean ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Information concerning the incomes of alchemists is very scanty, since they endeavored to hide such facts as much as their secret arts. However, we do have some knowledge of the earnings of one of the leading alchemists, Leonhard Thurneysser zum Thurn, a native of Bile (1530-1596). As physician-in-ordinary to Georg Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, he received annually the sum of 1352 thalers, an enormous honorarium at that time. In addition, he also received feed for his horses, clothing, emoluments in kind, as well as free lodging. He earned still more, however, through his alchemistic activities, which were so extensive that he maintained a staff of 200 people and traveled to his consultations in a carriage drawn by four teams of horses. He put together medicine chests for travelers containing 120 medicaments prepared chiefly in his laboratory. For each of these medicine chests which he sold in large number, he received 386 thalers. Urine specimens that were sent to him from every country were examined for a fee of 10-15 thalers. One of his main occupations was the sale of tinctures, mixtures, inunctions, etc., which he made himself. These he sold at extremely high prices. Thus he sold a quantity of Spiritus vini, of about 17 grams, for 4 thalers; an equal amount of Spiritus vitrioli cost 6 thalers, Oleum Cinnamoni 12, Rhubarb extract 2, and of Tinctura Antimonii 16 thalers. He demanded fantastic prices for his secret remedies such as amethyst tincture, ruby, sapphire, coral, or emerald tinctures. All these remedies were sold everywhere in great numbers. Furthermore, Thurneysser earned enormous sums through the sale of calendars and horoscopes; thus the Count of Oettingen paid 100 gulden for one. In view of such fees it is not surprising to learn that in 1580 his fortune amounted to 100,000 gulden, an enormous sum at that time; in addition, he possessed 12,000 pieces of gold and nine hundred-weights of silver plate. Ultimately, however, he lost everything in a lawsuit and died in poverty. L.T. |