Alchemy Academy archive August 2000 Back to alchemy academy archives. Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 From: Susanna Åkerman On 17 May Penny Bayer asked whether the Danish medical doctor Ole Worm was connected to Rosicrucianism. I have just read Carlos Gilly's article "Campanella fra i Rosacroce" in 'Tommaso Campanella e l'attesa del secolo aureo' Olschki, Firenze, 1998. pp. 107-155. (Fondazione Luigi Firpo. Centro di studi sul pensiero politico. Quaderni 3). Gilly argues that Campanella had no influence on the formulation of the Rosicrucian manifestoes, since Tobias Adami did not return to Tubingen with copies of Campanella's manuscripts until later than 1609-10 when the manifestoes were written by Andreae, Tobias Hess et al. In the process Gilly cites Ole Worm's 'Laurea philosophica summa' Copenhagen 1619, where Worm says he had been told of (or shown) the Fama by Johannes Hartmann in 1611 before it was publicly put to the press: "In manibus quorundam qui medicinae hermeticae sacramentum dixerunt, antequam publice typis evulgaretur, annis aliquot erat famosa haec de Fratribus'Fama': ac mihi quidem anno 1611 singularis secreti instar communicata est a celebri quodam cuiusdam Academiae Germaniae chymiatro (Johannes Hartmann), qui me, mera haec esse phantasmata aut aenygmata secretius quid occultantia seputantem, rationibus haud levibus tunc temporis a sententia dimovit." Worm's 'Laurea' is listed in full as n. 248 (c. G4v) of Gilly's preliminary Rosicrucian Catalogue 'Cimelia Rhodostaurotica: die Rosenkreuzer im Spiegel der zwischen 1610 und 1660 entstandenen Handschriften und Drucke : Ausstellung der Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Amsterdam und der Herzog August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel.' In de Pelikaan, Amsterdam 1995. Gilly has also published a book on the Tyrolian Adam Haselmayer who was the first to announce in print his reading of a manuscript of the 'Fama' in 1611. See Gilly's 'Adam Haselmayer - Der erste Erkunder der Manifeste der Rosencreutzer' In de Pelikaan, Amsterdam, 1995. I do not know what Worm did with this knowledge or whether it influenced Christian IV as Worm worked as Royal physician. Worm appears not to have published any reply to the Rosicrucians such as for instance the Swede Johannes Bureus did with his 'Fama e Scanzia Redux' s.l. 1616. Bureus later in the 1640's became imbroiled with Worm in a bitter national debate over the historical origin of the Runes, in which Bureus did not reveal his ideal construction of them out of his pictorial norm, the Adulruna, to which Bureus was inspired by Dee's Monas already in 1609. Worm published his Runic history as 'Fasti Danici universam tempora computandi rationem antiquitus in Dania et vicinis regionibus observatam... ex variis patriae antiquitatibus et autoribus fide dignis eruti, ac in lucem emissi' Hafniae, 1626 and followed up with his '[Runir] seu Danica literatura antiquissima, vulgo Gothica dicta luci reddita' Hafniae, 1636. Bureus replied with his observations Worm's finding of a Danish prophecy on the "return" of the Runes from their forrays into Europe: 'Runa redvx : Dän danske k. Waldmars prophetia, om rvnas hem-flycht, funnen i Danmark, uti en norsk bok, skalda benemd, vtaf den höglärde ... D. Olao Worm ... och af honom där sammestädes latit af prentet vtgå år 1636. Vnder däd namnet Literatvra : danica' Stockholm 1643. Bureus then published his anonymous tract 'Monvmenta danica certiori lectioni restituta ab absente' which aggravated the conflict. I should perhaps take a look at this debate even if it falls into national mythology rather than into Rosicrucianism. Bureus was driven by his vision that the ancient Swedes had colonized Europe with their very ancient alphabet (divinely inspired through the unified Adulruna norm just as Hebrew can be constructed out of combinations of the Yod as Guillaume Postel showed in his edition of the Sepher Yetzira, 1555) and that his rediscovery of these ancient antiquities was part of the revelation of secrets heralded by the Rosicrucian prophecies on Europe's regeneration. Worm argued that this was nonsense, instead pointing to the Gothic origin of the Runes, spreading from southeast to north. Susanna Akerman Subject: ACADEMY : Help needed with images in alchemical manuscripts From: Adam McLean Date: 2 Aug 2000 I wonder if anyone can help me with my research into the images in achemical manuscripts. I am especially interested in coloured drawings and paintings in alchemical manuscripts. Many of these are, of course, known to me, but I am very aware that there are many manuscripts - especially in French, German, Italian libraries which I have never seen and are not generally recorded except in the library catalogue. There are two things I would wish to do. (1) build up a better listing of alchemical manuscripts with illustrations. (2) acquire microfilms or colour photographs of such images. If anyone has any information which might help me build a more complete list, or who already has colour photographs they could lend or scan for me I would be very grateful. If there is sufficient interest in this iconographic material from the members of this academy, perhaps we could form a specialist group to investigate and document this material further. Unfortunately I just do not have the funds to embark on a grand tour of European libraries, but this would not be necessary if people living near the major libraries could undertake this and we could pool our resources. I have already seen most of this material in Britain, but I now need information on the continental collections. There are many treasures of alchemical imagery waiting to be uncovered. Best wishes, Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : New Italian book and video From: Adam McLean Date: 9 August 2000 Today I received a copy of a new book published by Pacini Editore. Exaltatio Essentiae Essentia Exaltata. A cura di Franco Cardini e Mino Gabriele. This is a large format harbound book of 205 pages, with over 160 colour illustrations and many in black and white. It is a study of the elixir in the history of alchemy. The accompanying 15 minute video tape shows some of the alchemical manuscripts illustrated in the book and also shows the appearance of alchemical imagery in some architecture and artwork. There are three commentators - Mino Gabriele, Nicoletta Cardano and Franco Cardini - speaking in Italian of course. A section of the video is devoted to the Porta Magica in Rome. (US and others living outside Europe will probably not be able to view tthis tape as it is in European PAL format.) This book cost me 159,000 Italian Lira including the postage. This worked out at £52 (probably a bit over $80). You can buy the book direct from the publishers using your credit card, as I did. They have a web site http://pacinieditore.it or e-mail them at Pacini.Editore@pacinieditore.it I recommend this book to anyone interested in alchemical imagery. I am indebted to William Milne for giving me notice of this publication. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : New Italian book and video From: Massimo Marra Date : Thu, 10 Aug 2000 The web site of Pacini Editore is: http://www.pacinieditore.it Best wishes. Massimo Marra Subject: ACADEMY : Another new Italian book on alchemy From: Adam McLean Date: 14th August 2000 One of our colleagues on this discussion group, Massimo Marra, has just written a new book on alchemy "Il Pulicinella Filosofo Chimico di Severino Scipione (1681) - uomini e idee dell' alchimia a Napoli nel periodo del viceregno". This was issued last week by Mimesis, in Milan. The work explores the alchemical milieu in the Kingdom of Naples between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, a very obscure period in the otherwise rich history of alchemy in Southern Italy. From medieval times, Southern Italy (the court of Federico II, the Salernitan medical school, the alchemy of Michael Scot, Frate Elia da Cortona, the works of Paolo di Taranto) was a very important area for the diffusion of alchemy in European culture. This rich tradition continued and developed during the Renaissance, flowing through the works of Giovan Battista Della Porta and the philosophical works of some writers as Colantonio Stigliola, Ferrante Imperato and others. After examining this milieu (with some links to the Accademia Lincea in Naples), Massimo Marra explores the evolution and transformation of the alchemical tradition, from the experimental and practical alchemy of Della Porta to the purely symbolic and philosophical alchemy of Neapolitan hermetism in eighteenth century (Di Sangro, Cagliostro and the Egyptian masonry). The discussion of these transformations focuses on the reception of the physics of Cartesio in the culture of Southern Italy, and the development of a philosophical statement in which the qualitative and spiritual aspects of the matter are removed from European culture. The practical alchemy, in which the inner symbolism of the spiritual aspect of the work was mixed with the "experimental" researches, was transformed into an exclusively symbolic and inner science, and the technical language was transformed into a purely symbolic game for the initiates, and the experimental study was given up to the new Cartesian science (expressed, in the Naples of this period, by the cultural experience of the "Accademia Chimica" of the Conclubet). After an historical, introductory section, Massimo Marra presents his critical edition of the "Pulicinella Filosofo Chimico" (1681): a work of the Neapolitan alchemist Severino Scipione (not catalogued in the bibliographical repertoires) in which the alchemical art is discussed by Punch and the Bolognese mask-character Graziano in a scholarly manner. After the edition of this rare text, the author includes the entire text of the "Dialogo Anagrammico dell'Alchimia "(1650) by Gennaro Grosso, with some other extracts from the alchemical writers of the Neapolitan milieu of this period. Severino Scipione's works and Gennaro Grosso's 'Dialogo' are examples of the idea of symbolic alchemy in the Neapolitan milieu of the eighteenth century. This book is, of course, in Italian.Taken with the other recent publication on the Elixir that I mentioned a few days ago this new publication certainly shows us that there is a considerable serious interest in Italy in alchemy. There are some very significant scholars working with alchemy in Italy at present. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Michelspacher = Thurneisser ? From: Adam McLean Date: 15th Aug 2000 I have been looking at the Rosicrucian work on alchemy usually attributed to the seemingly pseudonymous Stefan Michelspacher of the Tyrol. Cabala, Spiegel der Kunst und Natur: in Alchymia. There are a number of editions : 1615, 1616, 1654, 1663, 1667, 1690 and 1704. This short work includes a famous series of four large engravings I have been transcribing the English translation of this work made in the mid 17th century, which is in MS Sloane in the British Library. In this early translation I noticed that the title page has a marginal note seeming to ascribe it to Leonhardus Thurneisser. The section reads : "... an unknown yet known Author, as the engraven signs of the first figure now translated out of the German language into Latin do testify... [Leonardus Thurneisser from the German translated]" Thurneisser, of course, was an important alchemist of the late 16th century (indeed he can seven be seen as an early industrialist and chemical engineer). Perhaps his best known work is his 'Quinta Essentia' of 1570. Does anyone have an opinion on this or any additional information on such a connection? Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Aurora consurgens illustrations From: Adam McLean Date: 25 August 2000 Does anyone have a listing in their correct order of the illustrations in the 'Aurora consurgens'. I am not sure that the order is the same in all manuscripts, but I would like an ordered listing of the illustrations in the Zurich manuscript, which is probably the original (around 1520). The two books I have which show all the illustrations are : Mino Gabrieli : Alchemia e Iconologia Barbara Obrist : Les Debuts de l'imagerie alchimique. Both of these books present the illustrations in a different sequence in their text, as they try to impose their own interpretation on the imagery. They do not seem to include the folio numbers so I cannot associate illustrations with folio order. In my descriptions of the Ferguson Manuscript http://www.levity.com/alchemy/aurorafi.html I list the illustrations in the order they appear there. However, this is a late manuscript (17th century) and may not reflect the original order. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Kabbalah in the BPH From: Adam McLean Date: 25 August 2000 Last weekend I helped set up a virtual exhibition of the books and manuscripts in the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica on the Kabbalah. This includes many illustrations and bibliographic details. This includes a section on Kabbalah and Alchemy. You can access this from the main index page of the library. http://www.ritmanlibrary.nl The text is by Cis van Heertum. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Aurora consurgens illustrations From: ME Warlick Date: 26 August 2000 Adam, When I was in Zürich, I was only able to see the facsimile, but maybe this will be helpful to you. I didn't have much time as I was madly copying some bibliographic notes, and so my notes on the facsimile were very cursory, taken with the hopes of getting back some day to see the original. This facsimile was published in 1981 in Bologna by Achille Maramotti, with notes or comments by Adalgisa Lugli, but I can't seem put pull it up on OCLC. I also have a note that it might be ordered from Alessandro Serra, via Indipendenza, 24, 40121 Bologna. Zürich's call number for the facsimile was TAU/MA7. My descriptions are short, but you'll know which images they are. Zürich Zentralbilbiothek, MD Rh. 172 from page 9 (of the facsimile): frontispiece: (185 x 128 cm), androgyne with bat, rabbit and black crow (de Rola) f1r (291 x136 cm), lobster violin, looks very crinkled (de Rola) f3r (204 x 139 cm) philosopher in small house (de Rola) f5v (69 x 87 cm) man in white robe points to king in cooking pot at lower right, hills with trees on either side f7v (57 x 94 cm) couple sleeping in the out of doors, inside a wattle fence, trees on either side, looks unpainted, more like a sketch f10v (69 x 108 cm) jousting king and queen (de Rola) page 10: f11r (100 x 135 cm) menstruating woman in zodiac, sun outside the circle f12v (44 x 68 cm) 2 women playing chess, one in purple at the table, the other in green holds black crow f13v (46 x 68 cm) woman nursing the philosophers, she is in blue with red face, man on left in pink and in green on right f14v (62 x 29 cm) man with scratchy face sits on green palette, woman in blue with wimple brings him flowers or wheat f18r (55 x 98 or 99? cm, can't read my writing) couple in bed again, this page has a great deal of damage, man in red robe at right f19v (69 x 87 cm) 3 men in blue, pink and green, large vessel at right page 11, I'm not sure why the folio page numbers backtrack here, why they were not just listed in order: f16v (60 x 68 cm) peacock in fire beside unfinished vessel in fire f19v (38 x 68 cm) "piece of my heart" dissection f20r (55 x 65 cm) hen and copulating chickens f20v (49 x 97 cm) strutting green dragon and small squirrel with a banded circle of some sort f21v (62 x 94 cm) man next to table (sorting grain?) by large vessel containing dragon, eagle and crow f22v (50 x 68 cm) 5 nude children jump out of fire, and smudgy unfinished dragon(?) in fire at lower right. f23v (59 x 80 cm) man in green sifts grain (?) while eagle in nest pours something into a large red vessel f24v (48 x 68 cm) 2 miners, 1 in red, pelican and chicks on hill at right f25v (58 x 91 cm) 2 men with short red hair by a table, seated man at right has a mallet and seems to be pounding something f24r (62 x 62 cm) philosopher in blue with white turban outside small city, fox (?) under tree and fence at left f27v (68 x 98 cm) blue mermaid chops off heads of red man and white woman, vessel on hill f29 v (71 x 90 cm) woman opens dress to show womb, originally probably silver, green wings, stands on moon Page 13 f 34 r (59 x 105 cm), blue dog-person with tail points black arrows at vessel containing blue eagle eating orange dragon, fire beneath f36 r (59 x 107 cm) red faced knight and black woman in white tunic cut up dragon (de Rola) ME Warlick Subject: ACADEMY : Aurora consurgens illustrations From: Stanislas Klossowki de Rola Date: 26 August 2000 Dear Adam, Here is the order, according to my research notes, in which the pictures appear in Codex Rhenovacensis 172 "Aurora Consurgens" at the Zentral Bibliothek in Zurich. Upon opening the volume one finds the Hermaphrodite (Obrist 36). Facing it is the composite harmony of all the elements (Obrist 37). The third picture is that of Senior studying the book in the church (Obrist 49) The fourth picture on the verso of p.5 is " a miniature of a man sowing gold, in a vessel heated by fire a crowned man stews". The fifth picture facing p. 8 is an unfinished miniature depicting an alchemical embrace. The sixth picture is that of the famous alchemical tournament (Obrist Cover ill.) which is on the verso of p.10 facing p.11. The seventh picture is the curious green woman within the astrological circle (Obrist 53) which is on page 11. The eighth picture is on the verso of p.12 facing p. 13 (Obrist 54) the lady sitting at the table is dressed in blue whilst the one carrying the golden scales is in green. A blue bird eats from a gold dish which she holds aloft. The ninth picture is on the verso of p. 13 facing p. 14 is Lady Alchimia breast-feeding the Philosophers (Obrist 55). The tenth picture facing p. 15 is damaged. It represents an old lady offering a green bouquet to a golden faced woman with dark copper torso and grey legs spotted with red. (Obrist 56). The 11th picture is that of the burning peacock which faces p. 17 (Obrist 57). I have no descriptions for the next three miniatures which are on p. 18 and facing page other than the remark that they are damaged (Obrist 58-59-60). Facing page 20, the 15th picture is that of the vomiting, defecating and peeing youth pulling his hair whose female counterpart offers him her heart (Obrist 61) The 16th picture on p.20 is that of the copulating cock and hen with another hen sittting on her eggs (Obrist 62) The 17th picture facing p.21 shows the basilisk (Obrist 62) The 18th picture facing p.22 shows the man washing and the alchemical vessel with Ouroboros and Eagle (Obrist 64). The 19th picture facing p.23 is damaged putti leaping from the flames (Obrist 65). The 20th picture facing p.24 shows the alchemist straining his matter and the burning Phoenix (Obrist 66). The 21st picture facing p.25 Miners and Pelican (Obrist 66) The 22nd picture faces p.26. (Obrist 68) shows the three alchemists at work their robes are repectively (from left) orange green and white. The 23d ill. on the recto of fol 27 (Obrist 69) shows the blue-robed Arabian Adept entering the Hermetick citadel with the crowned tree of the Work at his back. 24th ill. verso of fol 27. shows the power of the Universal dissolvent (Obrist 70 in color) 25th picture facing p.30 (Obrist 71 color) Black angel, green wings. The 26th picture on p. 34 is also reproduced in color by Obrist (72) The 27th and last picture is found on folio 36 and is reproduced in color by Obrist (73) it shows the alchemical couple binding the vanquished green dragon. I hope the above is of use to you. I also have some of the dimensions if you require them for instance a full page is 20cms high and 13.5 cms. wide. All the best Stanislas Klossowki de Rola |