Alchemy Academy archive December 2000 Back to alchemy academy archives. Subject: ACADEMY : Nigredo From: Susanna Ĺkerman Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 Dear John, Have you seen Dan Merkur's recent 'Gnosis: An Esoteric Tradition of mystical visions and unions', SUNY, Albany 1993, that works with spiritual projections into the otherworld - the mundo imaginalis. He does not deal with nigredo per se but approaches Taoist Alchemy as in his "The otherworld as western esoteric category" pp. 75-94 of Antoine Faivre and Wouter Hanegraaffs 'Western esotericism and the science of religion', Peeeters, Louvain 1998. On p. 87 Merkur cites some sources on the develoment of inner alchemy in Taoism based on as he says "the ecstatic practise and imagery of shamanic ascensions." He should know since he has earlier worked on Inuit shamanism. He cites sources for how inner alchemy developed so that the "visions of perfecting one's chemical composition were beleived actually to confer longevity". The relationships of the imaginary otherworld and the inner world is explored by Merkur and by projection you can construct the same relationships and constructions for nigredo and similar prerequisites of ecstatic states. Perhaps Marsilio Ficino's vision of the Saturnian melancholist belongs to the same area. Richard Popkin once told me that he thought that the elaborate visions of Jakob Boehme's philosophy is based on a manic depressive experience, in which case nigredo-like states would play a role. Perhaps this is to go too far, but clearly the plunge into the abyss is preparatory for a lot of creativity, in some happy cases where one does not get entirely engulfed in the blackness... Susanna Akerman Subject: ACADEMY : Ape, homunculus, fertility From: José Rodríguez Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 Dear Susanna, Thank you for the additional commentaries concerning your article on the "Porta Magica". It's really interesting for me because I have not got a lot of scholarly studies or resources dedicated to this monument. Concerning Newman I know the article that you are looking for. Here is the reference: WILLIAM R. NEWMAN, (1999), "The Homunculus and His Forebears: Wonders of Art and Nature", in: Anthony Grafton & Nancy Siraisi (Editors), «Natural Particulars: Nature and the Disciplines in Renaissance Europe», (Dibner Institute Studies in the History of Science and Technology.), The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, ISBN: 0262071932 Thank you very much again for sharing your ideas. José Rodríguez Subject: ACADEMY : Alchemy & "Barock" From: Stefan Alexe Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 Can anyone help me with a matter related to a research about mythological aspects in the german Barockpoetik? I am working on the problem concerning the influence of mythological elements in the german & austrian poetry. Mythology finds its use in the context of imitatio veterum and is thus connected with the problem of allegory. Does anybody know if there are german and (especially) austrian alchemists involved also in literature or poetry? Certainly, alchemistical writings are documented, but I do not know if this is the case in the special context of literature (also theory of poetry) - for instance poems describing in an allegoric way alchemistic procedures (maybe still under the cover of "fiction"). I would appreciate any help! Best regards, S. Alexe Subject: ACADEMY : Neapolitan alchemy Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 From: Rafal T. Prinke This is obviously a question to Massimo Marra. I would be grateful for your help in identifying the Italians mentioned in an early text by Sendivogius (with authobiographic elements). It was discovered and published only in 1968 and my English translation can be found on my Web page at: http://main.amu.edu.pl/~rafalp/HERM/SENDI/s_eng.htm The persons mentioned in the text who seem to have been contemporary to (young) Sendivogius are: 1) Jacobus Boncompagnus, the duke of Sora and Arpino This one was rather easy to identify - he was the illegitimate son of Pope Gregory XIII. 2) Wernalcon, a great man from Naples 3) abbot Iacobo Busenelo in Venice 4) Grumi in Padua The last two were known personally to Sendivogius and he worked with them. Best regards, Rafal Subject: ACADEMY : Political alchemy From: Erik Ringmar Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 I'm interested in the influence of alchemy on Renaissance statecraft. There seems to be an obvious affinity between man understood as manipulator of the elements and man as a political manipulator of people. Yet, I would like some more concrete evidence of how this connection worked. I've read Peter Donaldson's Machiavelli and the Mystery of State, but it was not as helpful on this point as I had hoped. Would anyone have any suggestions for further readings? yours, Erik Ringmar Subject: ACADEMY : Gold- und Rosenkreutz From: Hereward Tilton Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 Thanks so much for the information you have provided, Susanna and José. In fact I met an old friend of yours at the AAR conference in Nashville, Susanna, and I passed on a copy of my paper to him which he said he would give to you. I have some apparently unrelated questions which someone might know something about... Does anyone know if there are alchemical elements in the higher grades of Freemasonry to this day? Whilst the Gold- und Rosenkreutz was influential for continental Freemasonry in the 18th century, I don't know the extent to which alchemical conceptions have infiltrated Freemasonry as a whole. Hereward Tilton Subject: ACADEMY : Testament of Cremer From: Hereward Tilton Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 Does anyone know of any manuscripts of the Testament of "John Cremer, Abbot of Westminster" dating before the 17th century? It seems this is a pseudonymous author, but I don't know how to date his work. Also... are there any other alchemical tracts under this name apart from the Testament? Hereward Tilton Subject: ACADEMY : Political alchemy From: Robert Palmer Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 Dear Erik, Here's a few titles, which while not specifically about the influence of alchemy on statecraft, should nevertheless point the way. One is a new book published by Thames and Hudson, I believe entitled RUDOLPH II, all about the famous Hermetic Monarch and his court. Lots of fantastic info on his alchemical collections and the magic/alchemy of folks like Dee, Kelley, Laski and Sendigovius. Also recommended would be Dame Yates book on the Academies, ASTRAEA, and for political machinations of the hermetic sort, her ROSICRUCIAN ENLIGHTENMENT (as well as all of her books, which are erudite and well researched). For political intrigue check out GIORDANO BRUNO AND THE EMBASSY AFFAIR by John Bossy (though take his central thesis with several grains of salt) and JOHN DEE by Richard Deacon (another one to take with a grain of salt, but in places compelling. This is the one with the 007/Dee cipher "mystery"). While not directly related one should not ignore the many biographies of Cagliostro. There is some relative information on politics, alchemy and the art of reading in William Sherman's JOHN DEE: THE POLITICS OF READING AND WRITING IN THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE. I'm sure there is more, but these are a few titles off the top of my head. Hope they at least foster new leads in your search. Best of luck to you. Robert F. Palmer Subject: ACADEMY : Political alchemy From: Jon Marshal Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 I guess a lot depends upon what you mean by renaissance. But just to add to the books mentioned by Robert Palmer. There is Sargent's book *The Life and Lyrics of Sir Edward Dyer*, the companion of Kelly, who was contacted by Burghley to get the philosopher's stone to help provide finances to defeat the Armada... There is plenty of alchemical politics of that kind throughout history - but its probably not what your after. There is also the Hartlib circle interested in utopia, and with contacts in the British Parliament in the 1640s - they bring Commenius to the UK reform the world. Alchemy, reform of agriculture etc is an important part of their method cf. Turnbull *Hartlib, Drury and Commenius* , Chapter 5 in Trevor-Roper's *Religion, the Reformation and social Change* and the Circle's interest in alchemy is touched in almost every book that discusses Alchemy in the UK. Eirenaus Philalethes specifically discusses alchemy as a way of reforming the world by making gold less precious. It has been suggested that Winstanley the digger was influenced by alchemy see Mulder *Alchemy of Revolution*, and Hayes *Winstanley the Digger*. I think this is probably true but don't find these arguments that convincing. There is a large anti-alchemical stream in the conservative reaction to the Commonwealth as is instanced in the attacks on 'enthusiasm' - such as the Henry More/Thomas Vaughn debates which have been discussed all over the place. For the secret society side see also Dickson *The Tessera of Antilla* There is also heaps of politics involved in the medical disputes between alchemists and physicians which occur after Paracelsus largely in the late 15th Century to 1680 in the UK - as each side tries to mobilise forces hostile to the other. jon Subject: ACADEMY : Gold- und Rosenkreutz Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 From: M. Evans The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry has some Alchemical symbolism. The Knight of the Sun/Prince Adept 28th degree is probably the most notable, containing a blend of Kabbalistic and Alchemical symbolism. Subject: ACADEMY : Gold- und Rosenkreutz From: Peter Kelly Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 You may find some information regarding alchemy and freemasonry among the 1600 titles stocked by kessinger publishing (www.kessinger-publishing.com). They deal mainly with fascimiles of rare out of print books on freemasonry, and also on alchemy. You can download the first 10 pages, free, of any of their titles. Peter Kelly Subject: ACADEMY : Khunrath's laboratorium From: Chris Pickering Date: 28 Dec 2000 I don't know what value this has, but I came across something interesting in a booklet on pinhole cameras. "One interesting illustration taken from a 19th century English Encyclopedia, depicts a portable Camera Obscura from 1611. This was used by Thomas [Johannes !] Kepler (1571-1630) to observe the movements of the planet Mercury." The reproduced illustration is reminiscent of the tent found in the famous engraving in Khunraths 'Ampitheatrum' (1602) of the adepts "laboratorium". Both are conical in shape and contain a table at which the work is undertaken. Of course Khunrath is concerned with consulting spirits and Kepler with the visible heavenly bodies. But there remains the tantalising possiblity that Khunrath was influenced by the use of such a tent by others. The residents of Mortlake remembered (for John Aubrey's "Life") how John Dee displayed an eclipse in a camera obscura (although this could well have been a darkened room) and Dee believed very much in the use of astronomical or celestial influences, controlled by optics, in alchemy. The recorded history of the camera obscura begins with a drawing of one made in 1544 by Dee's good friend Gemma Frisius. And Dee had a link with both Kepler and Khunrath. Athanasius Kircher also describes the camera obscura in 'Ars Magna Lucis et Umbra' (1646) but I have not seen this and do not know whether it is seen as anything more than an optical device. Chris Pickering Subject: ACADEMY : Neapolitan alchemy From: Massimo Marra Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2000 Dear Rafal, Unfortunately I am very busy in this period, and I don't check my mail every day. Actually, I have no informations about these alchemists, but I have read your translation of Sendivogius and I will send you a message on the Alchemy group if I find some information during my researches. The Neapolitan alchemical tradition is very rich and, by the way, there is no study focused on this very important center of alchemical studies. A Merry Christmas to you and all the members of this group. Massimo Marra Subject: ACADEMY : Neapolitan alchemy Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 From: Rafal T. Prinke Dear Massimo, > Actually, I have no informations about these alchemists, but > I have read your translation of Sendivogius and I will send > you a message on the Alchemy group if I find some > information during my researches. Thank you very much. Concerning the "Wernalcon" of Naples, an Italian friend suggested it may be the misspelt surname "Vernaleone" - the letter W in Polish has the same value as V (which is not used in Polish at all), while "e" may easily be misread as "c". There is a mention of one Giovan Paolo Vernaleone, who fits chronologically and is said to have followed the "tradizione magico-ermetica", on the Web page at: http://www.clio.it/sr/ce/palmieri/annuario/fscarpa.html There is too little information on that page to be sure, however. All my best wishes to you, the whole list and - especially - Adam McLean for the New Year/Century/Millenium! Best regards, Rafal |