Alchemy Academy archive December 2003 Back to alchemy academy archives. Subject: ACADEMY : Liber Platonis quartorum From: José Rodríguez Guerrero Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 Dear Adam, The text entitled Kitâb al-rawâbî' li-Iflâtûn is available in Badawî volume on Plotin and neoplatonism: 'ABD A-RAHMAN BADAWÎ, (1977), _ Al-Iflâtûniyya al-muhdatha 'înda al-'Arab _, Wikâlat al-matbû'ât, Kuwait, pp. 117-239. Grettings, José Rodríguez Guerrero Subject: ACADEMY : Help with translating the word 'limon' From: Adam McLean Date: 6 Dec 2003 I wonder if anyone could assist me with a suggestion for translating the French word 'limon' in an alchemical context. Of course it means 'silt', 'mud', or 'slime', but feel there is some nuance specific to an alchemical context that is escaping me. This is from a late 18th century French alchemical work by Grassot. De ce principe substantiel qui est la forme et la matière universelle de toutes choses, Dieu fit les élémens qui sont les principes succédant, et de la combinaison des élémens, il en fit un limon déterminé à la génération des individus ; lequel contient en soi toutes les vertus élémentaires en puissance et non en acte. Et c'est ce limon qui est la semence de toutes choses. "From this substantial principle that is the form and universal matter of all things, God created the elements, which are the subsequent principles, and from the combination of the elements, he made a silt, appointed for the generation of individuals; which contains in itself all the elementary virtues in potency and not in act. And it is this silt that is the seed of all things." 'Silt' does not capture the meaning I feel sure. 'Slime' is perhaps closer, but I feel there is some English word here which would be better. It is a kind of 'primal ooze' perhaps that is intended, close to the more modern term 'Gur' or universal prime matter. Any suggestions please. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Liber Platonis quartorum From: Ahmad Y. al-Hassan Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 Dear Adam I have just read with interest the correspondence regarding Plato's "Liber Platonis quartorum,". The article on Aflatun (or Plato) was a reproduction from the Encyclopedia of Islam and was written by R. Walzer. It is a scholarly article but it must have been written before the sixties, because Walzer wrote between 1929 and 1962. Since then the works of Sezgin and Ullmann had appeared in the seventies and both authors gave the locations, the titles and the manuscript numbers of most of the existing alchemical manuscripts in Arabic. The title of the Arabic original of the Latin text is Kitab rawabi ' Aflaton. According to Ullmann there is a MS in Munich 649, fol.1-136, and another in Leiden 1431(= Cod. 1021,8). And as mentioned by José Rodríguez Guerrero the Arabic original (which was based on the two manuscripts) was edited by 'Abd Al -Rahman Badawi in Al-Iflâtûniyya al-muhdatha 'înd al-'Arab. The 1977 Kuwaiti edition of Al-Iflâtûniyya al-muhdatha is a reproduction of the original Cairo edition of 1955. Ahmad Y. al-Hassan Subject: ACADEMY : Help with translating the word 'limon' From: Ray Cullen Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 >I wonder if anyone could assist me with a suggestion for >translating the French word 'limon' in an alchemical context. How about "divine mud"? Regards, Ray Cullen Subject: ACADEMY : Help with translating the word 'limon' Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 From: M.E. Warlick Hi Adam, Here are some definitions from my Petit Larousse illustre, 1952. Diluted earth, or primal matter seems to be the main idea. LIMON n. m. (lat. limus). Boue, terre détrempé. Alluvion : le limon du Nil fertilise l'Egypte. Fig. Origine, vile origine, par allusion à la boue dont Dieu a tiré l'homme, suivant la Bible. LIMON n. m. (ar. leimoun). Sort de citron qui a beaucoup de jus: sirop de limon. LIMON N. M. Chacune des deux branches de la limonière: le limons d'une charrette. Archit. Pièce de bois ou de pierre, taillée en biais, qui supporte les marches et la balustrade d'un escalier. There is also a Limon, Colorado, but I doubt you will find any clues there. M.E. Subject: ACADEMY : Help with translating the word 'limon' From: Eve Sinaiko Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 >I wonder if anyone could assist me with a suggestion for translating >the French word 'limon' in an alchemical context. Sediment, perhaps? Although that carries the idea of a filtered material, which may not be accurate. Regards, Eve Sinaiko Subject: ACADEMY : Help with translating the word 'limon' From: Peter Forshaw Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 Hi Adam, I'd chose mud' or 'slime'. That's generally how I translate the latin equivalent 'limus'. When discussing the etymology of the word Chaos, Khunrath suggests it derives from [Cheō] 'to pour out', and explains that it is the primal mud or slime from water and earth, said to have been 'liquid, fluid, humid, aqueous, slimy'. [Khunrath, Vom hylealischen ... Chaos (1708), Preface sig.)()(5r 'liquidam, fusilem, humidam, aqueam, limosam.'] Happy translating, Pete Subject: ACADEMY : Help with translating the word 'limon' From: Chris Pickering Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 You could try "clay", which is formed from silt and is also reminiscent of the clay from which Adam is made. Personally I would go for a very literal translation such as 'silt' and treat it as a term with italics or quotation marks. It is obviously comparable to concepts found elsewhere - prima materia, seed, logoi spermatikoi, lees, etc, etc - but I imagine this author would have his own very personal intended meaning for this word and concept. Does 'limon' appear anywhere else, with a common or traditional translation? As well as revealing the richness of ideas in an alchemical text, single words like this (with very specific meanings as a distinct concept) can often be the only clue to the texts place within a tradition, and might perhaps be intended as a marker to grab the attention of the cognoscenti. Chris Pickering Subject: ACADEMY : Help with translating the word 'limon' From: William Aronstein Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 Dear Mr. Pickering, In response to your request: > Does 'limon' appear anywhere else, with a common or traditional translation? The XIXth Century poet, Gerard de Nerval, whose writings some consider influenced by alchemical sources, used the word "limon" in his poem, "Le Christ aux Oliviers." The last stanza of the poem reads: Mais l'oracle invoque our jamais dut se taire Un seul pouvait au monde expliquer ce mystere: --Celui qui donna l'ame aux enfants du limon. The entire poem is well worth reading. It is rather enigmatic, however, and I am not sure exactly what the poet means in the last line. Best, William S. Aronstein Subject: ACADEMY : Help with translating the word 'limon' From: Louis Bourbonnais Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 Dear All, "Limon" in french is often related to the context of the Egyptian Nil. Like most people here mentioned it: there is a lot of words that may be related to this one. How is the latin "limus" usually trandlated in English? It is always the word "silt" that is use in Englsh related to the substance that is bring by the Nil used by man in agriculture? As Gerard de Nerval use it in a poetical sense, we always find the idea of richeness associated with the french "limon", which is more than the simple "boue" (=mud). But mud (P. Forshaw) or Clay (C. Pickering) may have asymbolic sense in English that is close to the french "Limon", but I'm not a native english speaker, so I'm not sure about this. John Dee, in the preface to the Monas Hieroglyphica, use the Ge 27.28 which I have seen once translated in french using the word "limon de la terre". It seems to be the right context; in english, we see "fatness" or "richness". Maybe, as Chris Pickering wrote, a translation in italic with a explicative note could avoid tight comprehension of the word. Yours, Louis Bourbonnais Subject: ACADEMY : Help with translating the word 'limon' From: Stanislas Klossowski de Rola Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 Dear Adam, Le limon, translates in this context as the primordial slime. Indeed it refers to the fertilizing mud of the Nile which in turns evokes for the French speaking alchemist the nigredo or black earth of Egypt which as the result of the first dissolution contains all that is required to proceed in the elaboration of the great work which is after the manner of the biblical creation a hermetickal re-creation. All the very best, Always Stanislas Klossowski de Rola Subject: ACADEMY : Liber Platonis quartorum From: Adam McLean Date: 11 Dec 2003 I found an interesting article describing the 'Liber Platonis quartorum' texts. Singer, Dorothea Waley. Alchemical texts bearing the name of Plato. Ambix 2 (3-4) Dec 1946, p115-128. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : La Notomia dell'Acqua Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 From: Frank Burton I'm looking for the following work about preparation of Alkahest by Water and Spiritus Vini Rectificatus of Paracelsus: Anonimous, "La Notomia dell'Acqua, osservazioni e sperienze di un non volgare filosofo, pubblicate e dedicate da Dionisio Andrea Sancassani Magati da Scandiano al Rev.mo e Dottissimo Padre D. Pietro Canneti". 1715 Anyone know where I can find it? I've searched in many Italian libraries and I've not found it. Many thanks, Frank Subject: ACADEMY : La Notomia dell'Acqua From: José Rodríguez Guerrero Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 Dear Frank Burton, I send you the references that I found: Main Author: Magati, Andrea (1659-1738) Title Details: La notomia dell'acqua. Osservazioni, e sperienze di un non volgare filosofo. Pubblicate ... da Dionisio Andrea Sancassani Magati da Scandiano .. Publisher: Giuseppe Corona. City: Padova. Date: 1715 Physical Description: XL, 184 p., [3] c. di tav. ripieg. : ill. ; 80. Holding Libraries: - Biblioteca di lettere e filosofia dell'Universita' degli studi di Firenze - Biblioteca del Polo di medicina legale, anatomia patologica e storia della medicina dell'Universita' degli studi di Padova Regards, José Rodríguez Guerrero Subject: ACADEMY : Rouen manuscript From: Adam McLean Date: 20th Dec 2003 Has anyone seen Rouen Bibliotheque Municipale MS. Leber 1255. It is an 18th century German manuscript seemingly in the Golden and Rosy Cross tradition. I attach an image from it. ![]() Does it have any more illustrations ? I understand there is at least one other. Is it a variation on the Geheime figuren ? Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Giovanni Battista Lambi Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 From: Johann Plattner Does one of the members know more about the author Giovanni Battista Lambi ? During scanning the databases of some public libraries here in Germany, I came across that Lambi wrote a book entitled: 'A revelation of the secret spirit of alchymie', London, 1623 Regards Johann Plattner Subject: ACADEMY : Giovanni Battista Lambi From: Adam McLean Date: 22 Dec 2003 Lambye, John Baptiste. A revelation of the Secret Spirit. Declaring the most concealed secret of Alchymie. Written first in Latine by an unknowne Author, but explained in Italian, by Iohn Baptista Lambye, Venetian. Lately translated into English, by R.N.E. Gentleman. London, Printed by Iohn Haviland for Henrie Skelton, and are to be sold at his shop a little within All-gate. 1623. [STC 15177.] 16° [12] + 80 +[2] pages. p[1] [Title page.] p[3]-[8] [Epistle dedicatory.] To the Right Reverend Father in God, my honourable Lord, Iohn Thornburgh, Lord Bishop of Worcester, health and happinesse. [At end "R.N.E."] p[9]-[11] To the discreet and true searchers of the secrets of Nature, leading a solitary life. Iohn Baptista Lambye, Venetian, wisheth health. p1-17 The revelation of the secret spirit. The author sets out to describe that secret spiritual substance which can remove all corruptions, renew youth and prolong short life. p18-22 The Preamble to the Exposition of the secret spirit. [This is a summary of the following section.] p23-80 [Text in eight chapters.] Wherein it is proved that there is only one thing, out of which the secret Spirit, or the Philosophers Stone, may be taken - In which shall bee seene, (by meanes of many sentences of divers Philosophers) if it can bee judged, what thing is this only thing - Wherein is proved, that of necessity it behoveth to reduce the body to the first matter, that it may be disposed for the separation of the Elements - Where it shall bee seene if it bee possible, to know what thing is tis first matter - In which is handled the separation of the foure Elements, which the apparitions of that secret Spirit doe signifie - In which shall be declared the fifth apparition of the secret Spirit in a glorified body - Wherein is shewed the manner to make the Elixir, or medicine to conserve the life of man - Where are handled the divers workers in this Science. p[1] Errata. |