Alchemy Academy archive July 2001 Back to alchemy academy archives. Subject: ACADEMY : Rosicrucian Politics From: Susanna Åkerman Date: 3 July 2001 I have just read Robert Vanloo's 'l'Utopie des Rose-Croix' Dervy, 2001. I can comment on the first part, while the second deals with eighteenth century and modern developments. Vanloo argues for the Protestant alliance between France, England, the Protestant German states and Denmark in the 1580s as setting the political tone for the Rosicrucian message through reading Simon Studion's Naometria for 1604. He also emphasizes the Jubilee of the arrest of Johan Hus in 1414 and his burning in 1415 to be signalled and commemorated by the Rosicrucian manifestoes in 1614 and 1615. I gather this might be correct, or at least that it was seen as such, since Johan Hus, the first European reformer, figures prominently in Johannes Bureus' writings as foreshadowing the Rosicrucians. Interesting is also the Venice 1589 edition of Joachim di Fiore's Vaticinia that shows the Angelic Pope with a rose and how in a second image the Angelic Pope crowns a lion with his own tiara with its three spiritual crowns. Paracelsus' prophetical image of an F standing on a rose on a Crown is also discussed in this connection with reference to Michael Lotich's letter to Charles IX of Sweden. In Rose Cross Over the Baltic I suggested that the text speaks of a neologism " per Germaniam Rosynscenti" which Vanloo at first agreed with after carefully looking at the text. He now inserts a sheet of errata where the correct reading is presented as "per Germaniam rescipicenti" or "Germania coming to its senses." This reading has been reached by Carlos Gilly and has been discussed with me and Vanloo, at the time for the editing this spring of an article of mine presented in 1994 at Wolfenbuttel for the "Rosencreutz als Europäische Phänomen" conference. However, even if this tones down the direct Rosicrucian dimension of the letter, the fact remains that "einer aus der Mitternacht" that will create "ein andere zustand in Norden" was spread by Lotich to Sweden in 1605 seemingly to inform of the French influence on Christian of Anhalt and his accomplices and their choice at that time of Fredrick IV of Wurtemberg , and later Fredrick V of the Palatinate, as Protestant leader and later King of Bohemia. Vanloo makes it all very plausible. The French Protestant dimension to this maneuvering through Henri IV explains the force of these politics and to Vanloo the murder of Henri IV by Ravaillac in 1610 is an important moment in the apocalyptic scenario at the time. Recall that the Fama is supposed to have been written in manuscript in 1609. Yesterday, I read Theodor Kükelhaus' 'Der Ursprung des planes von ewigen Frieden in den memoiren des Herzogs von Sully'. Berlin 1893. p. 78 n. 149. Sully's peaceplan is supposed to have been formulated by Henri IV and apparently Sully speaks in 1601 of a prophecy on the birth of a French King and in the note Kukelhaus suggests that it perhaps is related to a 'Profetie du comte Bombaste: Chevalier de la Rose-Croix, neveux de Paracelse publiée en anné 1609 sur la naissance de Louis le Grande etc. par Francois A lary en Rouen 1712' (Louis XIV was born in 1638). Perhaps Robert can locate it, the reference is to Lelong's Bibliotheque No. 19904 and Meusel VIII t. 1, p. 221. I could not find nearer titles to these bibliographic works. Vanloo's book does much to settle on the Protestant political situation and thus vindicates Frances Yates' interpretation to some degree. We will see how this is interpreted by critics such as Carlos Gilly who prefers to see the movement in its spiritual and local dimension. We are left with the problem of how Rosicrcuian political visions were connected to real politics: marginal, central behind the scenes, or more an expression of the Zeitgeist by small town theologians. I just want to correct Vanloo on the point of Famagusta Franco Allemannica's interesting 'Frauenzimmer der Schwesteren der Rosinfarbende Creutzes (1620)'. It was not given to Queen Christina, she was born in 1626. It is reproduced in Richard Scherer, 'Alchymia. Die Blauen Jungfrau in Blauen gewande. Alchemische texte des 16. und 17 Jahrhunderts'. Mössingen-Talheim, 1988. It is there however misdated to 1629. This text of a Rosicrucian female utopia really deserves to be better known. Is it a satire? It does not seem so. Christina was however courted by Bureus and amazingly Bureus sent the Boehme-scholar Abraham van Franckenberg his 'Fama e Scanzia redux' 1616, who in 1646 sent it to Athanasius Kircheri and kept up the correspondence on Bureus with Kircher till 1652 (a final letter in 1657). Kircher corresponded with Christina in 1649-1651 at the time for the arrival of the Jesuits who were to carry on the secret conversion talks and she mentions one of them, Macedo, as carrying a letter to him. In 1651 Kircher even adresses her "Regina serenissima, potentissima, sapientissima, vere trismegisii"! So Christina was called out of Sweden because of Hermes Trismegistus and seemingly Bureus' Fama had opened the way... (By the way, could she not see herself as the lioness spiritually crowned by the angelic Pope? She owned Joachim's prophecies and said at one point to cardinal Azzolino that she had seen Pope Alexander VII's wheelchair in Joachim's predictions). In any case, I am presently writing on this previously unknown Kircherian dimension to her conversion. Susanna Subject: ACADEMY : Kelly's Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy From: Adam McLean Date: 4 July 2001 Does anyone have any information on this work ascribed to Edward Kelly? This was first published in 1676 :- Tractatus duo egregii, de Lapide Philosophorum, una cum Theatro astronomiæ terrestri, cum Figuris, in gratiam filiorum Hermetis nunc primum in lucem editi, curante J. L.M.C. [Johanne Lange Medicin Candidato]. Hamburgi. apud Gothofredum Schultzen, prostat & Amsterdam apud Jansonio-Waesbergios 1676 This has a series of 16 circular woodcuts. Are there any manuscripts predating this edition ? Is it correct to assign this to Kelly ? Are there any mentions of this work in his or Dee's papers ? Are the woodcut images unique to this manuscript, or were they taken from some earlier source ? Any information on this work gratefully received. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Kelly's Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy From: Jackson Wiley Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 The only info I have (beside the article Adam did in issue #22 page 31 of The Hermetic Journal) is the booklet put out by Holmes Publishing Group entitled "Edward Kelly's Theatre Of Terrestrial Astronomy". Though not colored, all 16 emblems are clearly reproduced. The booklet also contains 13 chapters descrbing the emblems and colors for them are listed in this text. This set of emblems has puzzled me for such a long time because they are so different than any set of emblems I have seen and also because they were allegedly made prior to any of the Rosicrucian manifestos. One reason I find these emblems so appealing is that they "anthropomorphise" some of the alchemical (albeit in a crude fashion) concepts. They are fun and easy to memorize (for me) because of this. I really wish their real story could be found. Were they made in the vicinity of Emporor Rudolph II? Jackson Wiley Subject: ACADEMY : Books on David Teniers the Younger From: Adam McLean Date: 8 July 2001 I am trying to find a book with good colour illustrations of many of the alchemical laboratory paintings by David Teniers the Younger. I have access to the main (only?) work in English by Jane P. Davidson 'David Teniers the Younger ' and this only has a few plates of the alchemical laboratories, so I have not been able to see a significant number of this series of paintings. There appear to be two main items which I have not been able to see. Klinge, Margret Adrian Brouwer [&] David Teniers the Younger, a Loan Exhibition of Paintings. Catalogue well illustrated with many color plates and b&w illustrations. Large 4to, wrps. 1982 Adolf Rossenberg. Teniers der Jungere (circa 1900) Does anyone have access to these ? Does the Klinge contain good quality photos of these alchemical paintings ? I assume the Rossenberg book, being early 20th century, may only have black and white illustrations. Are there any other sources I should consult ? Thanks, Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Books on David Teniers the Younger From: Eve Sinaiko Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 > Klinge, Margret > Adrian Brouwer [&] David Teniers the Younger, a Loan Exhibition > of Paintings. > Catalogue well illustrated with many color plates and > b&w illustrations. Large 4to, wrps. 1982 This is listed as available through www.bookfinder.com. Regards, Eve Sinaiko Subject: ACADEMY : Books on David Teniers the Younger From: Susanna Åkerman Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 Dear Adam, In the Stockholm Arthistory library the most recent and thickest book of Teniers is: I can perhaps check it out, if you can't get it by interlibarary loan. I do not know if they focus on the alchemical laboratories. David Teniers de Jonge : schilderijen, tekeningen : [tentoonstelling], Antwerpen, Koninklijk Museum voor schone Kunsten, 11 mei-1 september 1991 / [prospectie en selectie]: Margret Klinge Editor: Gent : Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon Year: 1991 335 pp. : ill. (mainly in colour) ISBN: 90-5349-018-3 (paperback) 90-5349-017-5 (bound) Susanna Subject: ACADEMY : Mercury and Sulphur, Matter and Spirit From: Hereward Tilton Date: Sun, 08 Jul 2001 I have recently come across an assertion in a German book on alchemy that (in pre-Paracelsian tradition) Mercury corresponds to matter (as the female) and Sulphur to spirit (as the male), but I can't say that I know which texts this assertion is based upon. In fact most of the non-Paracelsian texts I have seen seem to imply the opposite - that Mercury (although female) is the subtle spirit penetrating bodies, and Sulphur (although male) is the fixed, earthy principle. Can anyone enlighten me on this point? Hereward Tilton Subject: ACADEMY : Rosicrucian Politics X-Attachments: C:\Pipex\Academy\ATTACH\Corrigendum.doc; From: Robert Vanloo Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 Thank you to Suzanna for her kind comments. I asked my editor in March to bring the necessary corrections to the text concerning Lotich's letter, but this was apparently too late. So I suggested a "corrigendum" to be added to the book, but it seems that this is considered nowadays as an old-fashioned practice... It means that unhappily the books sold in the bookstores will not have this addendum. So here is a copy joined herewith for our friends who have bought the book or would have the intention of doing so. Concerning Suzanna's clue on the "Profetie du comte Bombaste...", I shall investigate as soon as possible as the date of 1609 is much interesting if the document is not apocryphal. Robert Vanloo L'Utopie Rose-Croix, Dervy, 2001 ERRATA - page 87, sous la première image, il convient de lire : "La triple couronne papale". - page 109, § 2, ligne 4, il convient de supprimer : "et dédié à Christine de Suède". - page 121, § 2, ligne 1, lire : "chiffrées" au lieu de "chiffrElie". - page 155, § 2 & 3, il convient de lire : « Expositio Sapphyri ab Aquilone illucescentis / orbi pro Germania resipiscenti / contra Bestiam Quartam / Indice (F) Judiceque / Leo Davidiades / Leonibus / Britannorum atq. Batavorum opitulaturus h. e. / Romanae & Constantinopolitanae Tyrannidis Extirpatio: / Verbi & Imperii Sapphyrici fundatio: / Liliorum Aquilae aureae adjuticatorum Expansio: . / Lutheranum & Orthodoxorum compositio: / Lapidis in nova Jerusalem inexpugnabilis stabilatio C / Indice (F) Judiceque. » Ce texte peut se traduire ainsi : « Présentation du royaume saphirique illuminant comme une aurore le monde à partir du Septentrion pour l’Allemagne repentante contre la Quatrième Bête. Grâce à la Révélation et au Jugement par le F. Le lion de David porte secours aux lions Britannique et Batave c’est-à-dire : extirpation de la tyrannie de Rome et de Constantinople, fondement du Verbe et de l’Empire saphirique, expansion des adjudicataires à l'Aigle d' Or des lys, réconciliation des luthériens et des orthodoxes, stabilité de la pierre inexpugnable dans la nouvelle Jérusalem. Grâce à la Révélation et au Jugement par le F.» - page 356, ligne 3, lire : "père spirituel" au lieu de "fondateur".
Subject: ACADEMY : Ninian Bres - Le corbeau menteur From: Claude Gagnon Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 Adam McLean wrote: >I have come across a reference to a book by Ninian Bres >entitled 'Le corbeau menteur', written in the 19th century >which deals in part with Nicolas Flamel. Sorry for answering you so late and for telling you that I have not a single notice of this book in my documentation. Claude Gagnon Subject: ACADEMY : Mercury and Sulphur, Matter and Spirit Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 From: Tatiana Dolinina To Hereward Tilton and all: > I have recently come across an assertion in a German > book on alchemy that (in pre-Paracelsian tradition) > Mercury corresponds to matter (as the female) and > Sulphur to spirit (as the male) I'd be interested to see textual allusions to Sulphur as the "spirit" aspect. Any references? Thanks. Tatiana Dolinina Subject: ACADEMY : Mercury and Sulphur, Matter and Spirit From: Gleb Butuzov Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 Dear Hereward and Tatiana, Generally speaking, Our Sol and Our Luna comprise Mercury of the Philosophers, i.e. this latter posesses both Mercurial and Sulphuric qualities, being still referred to as "Mercury". To my mind, most plainly the difference between "sulfuric mercury" and "mercurial Mercury", i.e. between masculine/feminine, soul/spirit etc. aspects of Mercury, was described by Julius Evola in his "Hermetic Tradition" (Inner Traditions International. Vermont, 1995. pp. 48-49). Besides, sometimes different Sulfurs may be confused in terms of philosophical categories, because not all what is called "Sulphur" is True Sulphur; some represent "earthly" and "dead" matter. The same we may say about Mercury. Best regards. Gleb Butuzov. Subject: ACADEMY : Melchior Cibinensis From: Adam McLean Date: 23rd July 2001 Does anyone know of any modern source for biographical information on Melchior Cibinensis? He was the early 16th century Hungarian writer of the 'Alchemical Mass', and is included in Michael Maier's 'Symbola aureae mensae'. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Melchior Cibinensis Bcc: ACADEMY From: Penny Bayer Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 Dear Adam Cristina Neagu discusses the possibility that the humanist Nicolaus Olahus (1493-1568) may have been the author of Melchior Cibensis' Mass. See 'The Processus sub Forma Missae: Christian Alchemy, Identity and Identification', Archæus IV (2000), pp. 105-117. Best regards Penny Bayer |