Alchemy of the Soul, first section. Setting out the paintings in order.
Alchemy of the Soul room, wall of symbolism.
Alchemy of Matter room, Mutus liber panel and oil paintings.
Alchemy of the Cosmos room, section on Cosmogenesis.
Alchemy of the Soul room, looking back towards entrance.
Preliminary discussion with the curator, Ronnie Heeps.
Alchemy of the Soul room, Crowning of Nature series.
First section, provisional setup.
Alchemy of the Soul room, some minor adjustments.
First section, revised setup.
Alchemy of the Soul room, more minor adjustments.
More discussion with Ronnie.
Alchemy of the Soul room, two sections now provisionally set up.
Out of the Chaos will come order!
Something required detailed study.
Ronnie setting up the group of oil paintings.
Another chaotic corner which will be cleared up!
Setting up the set of Mutus Liber images.
Straightening the array of Mutus Liber images!
A very necessary cup of tea.
Ronnie accurately setting up the captions.
The bench which will be used to display the Ripley Scroll.
Much better with its velvet cover.
Working on the Cosmos room, left till last.
Setting up some prints in the Cosmos room.
Finally beginning to take shape.
The wall of symbolism centred around the Crowning of Nature series.
The Ripley Scroll laid out on the bench.
Only set up with its captions a few minutes before the opening !