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Alchemy discussion forum > Bibliography > New books about alchemy > The Ancient Texts of the Golden Rosicrucians

The Ancient Texts of the Golden Rosicrucians
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Joined: Fri Sep 14th, 2007
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 Posted: Tue Oct 2nd, 2007 10:16 am
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The Golden Dawn Research Trust in the USA has just issued Volume one in their series of source texts on the Golden Rosicrucians. This refers to  the 18th Century  Gold und- Rosenkreutzers founded by Samuel Richter, which had the structure of a masonic order, and pursued alchemy as one of its activities.

The first text in this book is actually an attack on the Gold und- Rosenkreutzers made in 1781 by Magister Pianco (Hans Heinrich von Ecker und Eckhoven). In writing his attack, the author had to describe various internal aspects of the the order and consequently it provides a window into the activities and structure of its rituals, though skewed by his criticisms.

The second work in this book is a new version of Michael Maier's Themis Aurea: The Laws of the Fratemity of the Rosie Cross.

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Last edited on Tue Oct 2nd, 2007 10:16 am by adammclean

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