Poetry and the Laboratory: Quirinus Kuhlmann (1651-1689), chiliast and poet, who was executed in Moscow because he was regarded as an enemy of the state, was deeply interested in and knowledgeable about alchemy. He knew a great number of alchemists personally - some are still famous, others are nowadays little known. This new publicationby Eugene Kuzmin considers not only the alchemical imagery in Kuhlmann’s works, but also examines his alchemical network: Kuhlmann discussed his ideas with the adepts of his time, and their theories may well have had a considerable influence on him. Similarly, Kuhlmann may have inspired certain alchemists, and thus traces of a dialogue between literature and science can be found in Kuhlmann's writings. This work is the first special study of the impact of alchemy on Kuhlmann's works: that the poet was interested in alchemy is generally accepted, though it has so far never been fully investigated. edited on Mon Feb 24th, 2014 02:48 pm by Paul Ferguson