Rene Alleau was a popular writer on alchemical themes. He edited some French alchemical works, including that of Nicolas Valois, Huginus a Barma, Flamel, and the author of La très sainte trinosophie. He also had a great interest in art, particularly Dadaism and Surrealism.
The first personal collection of books and manuscripts on art and various esoteric themes, is going to be auctioned in Paris on the 7th of March, 2009, by Pierre Cardin, Reme le Fur and associates.
A fully illustrated catalogue is now available.
There are nearly a hundred early books on alchemy, mostly 17th and 18th century, even a fine quality coloured manuscript (early 18th Cent) of the Praetiosissimum Donum Dei, a copy of the Beroalde de Verville edition of Le Songe de Poliphile, and the Second Volume of Fludd's Utriusque cosmi historia, 1619, among many other treasures.
Last edited on Sun Feb 15th, 2009 03:32 pm by adammclean