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Alchemy discussion forum > Request for information > Help required > Text on an emblem in a manuscript in the Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal

Text on an emblem in a manuscript in the Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal
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Paul Ferguson

Joined: Fri Feb 15th, 2008
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 Posted: Mon Nov 17th, 2008 10:05 am
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"Interestingly, a painting (apparently 17th century) based on this was sold at an auction in France in December 2003."

And here is that painting...

Attached Image (viewed 519 times):

La Triade Hermetique.jpeg

Paul Ferguson

Joined: Fri Feb 15th, 2008
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 Posted: Sun Oct 27th, 2013 03:56 am
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Texts by Valois and Grosparmy now available at the excellent BNAM website:

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