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Alchemy discussion forum > Alchemy texts > Alchemy Texts > A lost book by Giovanni Agostino Panteo: the 'Speculum'?

A lost book by Giovanni Agostino Panteo: the 'Speculum'?
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Paul Ferguson

Joined: Fri Feb 15th, 2008
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 Posted: Tue Dec 1st, 2009 08:32 pm
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Unless I am completely misinterpreting Panteo's relatively easy Latin I think I have comes across a reference in the Voarchadumia to a book that he intended to write, e.g. in the Epilogue to the Voarchadumia he says:

'Pro quo deinde in speculo nostro Domino aeterno omnipotenti aspirante (si haec non displicuisse cognoverimus) altiora profecto revelabimus pro nostra singulari erga virtutis indagatores, et cupidos veritatis benevolentia, animique gratitudine, ac sinceritate.'

'For whose benefit [i.e. the attentive reader] we shall next certainly reveal higher things in our 'Speculum' (Almighty and Eternal God being favourable, if we understand that these things have not displeased Him) out of our singular benevolence, gratitude of mind and sincerity towards the investigators of virtue and those loving the truth.'

The fact that 'speculo' begins with a miniscule is not pertinent as Panteo often cites book-titles thusly.

So, are there any currently unattributed 16th century texts called the Speculum that he might have written?

There is always a possibility of course that he died before he could write it or that the project was abandoned, or that all copies of the book have disappeared, but it does intrigue me and I therefore throw the question open to those with a greater knowledge of the field than I.

Carl Lavoie

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 Posted: Wed Dec 2nd, 2009 12:57 am
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I checked out the major bibliographies. The pretty much all, like Brunet, list only the Ars transmutationis and the Voarchadumia. Borel lists some anonymous treatises entitled ‘Speculum’ (see the “page 21” window of the link below), but this is hardly useful:


Paul Ferguson

Joined: Fri Feb 15th, 2008
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 Posted: Wed Dec 2nd, 2009 11:55 pm
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Carl Lavoie wrote:
I checked out the major bibliographies. The pretty much all, like Brunet, list only the Ars transmutationis and the Voarchadumia. Borel lists some anonymous treatises entitled ‘Speculum’ (see the “page 21” window of the link below), but this is hardly useful:


Thanks Carl. I think we must assume it never got written,


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