EEBO-TCP is a partnership with ProQuest and with more than 150 libraries to generate highly accurate, fully-searchable, SGML/XML-encoded texts corresponding to books from the Early English Books Online Database.This work, and the resulting text files, are jointly funded and owned by more than 150 libraries worldwide. All of the TCP's work will be released the public domain for anyone to use.
Access the TCP Texts
ECCO-TCP Full text available to everyone
EEBO-TCP Full text available only to EEBO-TCP partners
Evans-TCP Full text available to everyone
Alan Pritchard wrote: Slight correction. EEBO not freely available.
From the web site:
Access the TCP Texts
ECCO-TCP Full text available to everyone
EEBO-TCP Full text available only to EEBO-TCP partners
Evans-TCP Full text available to everyone
My understanding is that eventually EEBO will be available too. They say "All of the TCP's work will be released the public domain [sic] for anyone to use." I am taking them at their word. I also hope their digitisation is better than their proof-reading!