I have just discovered though contact with the author, a rather fine article making a chronological survey of the way in which the Church and Churchmen viewed alchemy from the 13th through to the 17th century.
He documents the religious oppositions, from censorial procedures to the papal decrees against the possibility of the transmutation of metals and the making of a universal medicine, as the Church struggled with the question as to whether alchemy was legal or illicit, on a moral or canonical basis.
Carl Lavoie Quand l’alchimie sent le soufre : chronologie des oppositions religieuses. [When Alchemy smelled like sulphur: Chronology of religious oppositions.]
http://www.massanne.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=49%3Acarl-lavoie-22-06-2008&catid=39%3Acarl-lavoie&Itemid=64&showall=1Last edited on Thu Nov 20th, 2008 10:19 pm by adammclean