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Two amazing alchemical paintings
 Moderated by: alchemyd  
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Carl Lavoie

Joined: Wed Feb 25th, 2009
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 Posted: Mon Feb 25th, 2013 03:56 am
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In his book on the Mannerism (1967), John Shearman refers a few times to the cast bronzes of another artist from Vries, the sculptor Adriaen de Vries (1556-1626).

Son of an apothecary, after his apprenticeship with goldsmiths and metal founders, “De Vries returned in 1601 to Prague, where Rudolf made him Kammerbildhauer. He remained in Prague after Rudolf's death in 1612”.

In this 1998 monograph, we find on pp. 201-205 a study of his ‘Allegory of hermetic wisdom’, dating from his Prague years. Slightly far-fetched, I would say, but still interesting :

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