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Ficino's Plato commentaries
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Grantley McDonald

Joined: Wed Sep 17th, 2008
Location: Tours, France
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 Posted: Mon Oct 27th, 2008 11:12 pm
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Hello all,

After an annoying half-hour trying to find a page reference in the online version of Ficino's Opera Omnia, I compiled the following list of page references for his introductions to, and commentaries on, Plato, to avoid having to click and wait ever again... If this is useful to someone else, all the better!

Here are the URLs of the two volumes:

volume 1:

volume 2:

Hipparchus: 1130
Lovers: 1131
Theages: 1131
Meno: 1132
Alcibiades I: 1133
Alcibiades II: 1134
Minos: 1134
Euthyphro: 1135
Parmenides: 1136
Philebus: 1207
Sophist: 1284
Statesman: 1294
Protagoras: 1296
Euthydemus: 1300
Hippias Minor: 1303
Charmides: 1304
Laches: 1307
Cratylus: 1309
Gorgias: 1315
Symposium: 1320
Phaedrus: 1363
Apol. Socr. 1386
Crito: 1390
Phaedo: 1390
Menexenus: 1395
Rep. 1: 1396
Rep. 2: 1399
Rep. 3: 1400
Rep. 4: 1402
Rep. 5: 1404
Rep. 6: 1406
Rep. 7: 1408
Rep. 8: 1413
Rep. 9: 1426
Rep. 10: 1427
Timaeus: 1438
Critias: 1488
Laws 1: 1488
Laws 2: 1492
Laws 3: 1493
Laws 4: 1496
Laws 5: 1501
Laws 6: 1503
Laws 7: 1506
Laws 8: 1509
Laws 9: 1512
Laws 10: 1515
Laws 11: 1520
Laws 12: 1522
Epinomis: 1526
Letter 1: 1530
Letter 2: 1530
Letter 3: 1533
Letter 4: 1533
Letter 5: 1533
Letter 6: 1533
Letter 7: 1534
Letter 8: 1535
Letter 9: 1535
Letter 10: 1535
Letter 11: 1536

Leigh Penman

Joined: Wed Aug 27th, 2008
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 Posted: Wed Oct 29th, 2008 10:44 am
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Incredible stuff Grantley!

Grantley McDonald

Joined: Wed Sep 17th, 2008
Location: Tours, France
Posts: 4
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 Posted: Fri Apr 10th, 2009 06:30 pm
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In the list below I have fixed two mistakes: omission of Argumentum in Ionem (p. 1281); correction to Critias (p. 1485).

Hipparchus: 1130
Lovers: 1131
Theages: 1131
Meno: 1132
Alcibiades I: 1133
Alcibiades II: 1134
Minos: 1134
Euthyphro: 1135
Parmenides: 1136
Philebus: 1207
Ion: 1281
Sophist: 1284
Statesman: 1294
Protagoras: 1296
Euthydemus: 1300
Hippias Minor: 1303
Charmides: 1304
Laches: 1307
Cratylus: 1309
Gorgias: 1315
Symposium: 1320
Phaedrus: 1363
Apol. Socr. 1386
Crito: 1390
Phaedo: 1390
Menexenus: 1395
Rep. 1: 1396
Rep. 2: 1399
Rep. 3: 1400
Rep. 4: 1402
Rep. 5: 1404
Rep. 6: 1406
Rep. 7: 1408
Rep. 8: 1413
Rep. 9: 1426
Rep. 10: 1427
Timaeus: 1438
Critias: 1485
Laws 1: 1488
Laws 2: 1492
Laws 3: 1493
Laws 4: 1496
Laws 5: 1501
Laws 6: 1503
Laws 7: 1506
Laws 8: 1509
Laws 9: 1512
Laws 10: 1515
Laws 11: 1520
Laws 12: 1522
Epinomis: 1526
Letter 1: 1530
Letter 2: 1530
Letter 3: 1533
Letter 4: 1533
Letter 5: 1533
Letter 6: 1533
Letter 7: 1534
Letter 8: 1535
Letter 9: 1535
Letter 10: 1535
Letter 11: 1536

Paul Ferguson

Joined: Fri Feb 15th, 2008
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 Posted: Sat Apr 11th, 2009 12:08 pm
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Perhaps Adam could create a permanent home for information such as this somewhere on his website?


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