
2277.2 William SALMON. Polygraphice: or the arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying and perfuming. In seven books... To which also is added, I. The one hundred and twelve chymical arcanums of Petrus Johannes Faber a most learned and eminent Physician, Translated out of Latin into English. II. An abstract of choice chymical preparations, fitted for Vulgar Use, for curing most Diseaes incident to Humane Bodies. The fifth edition: enlarged with above a thousand considerable Additions. additions. Adorned with XXV. Copper Sculptures; the yet never yet extant. 8° London, Printed for Thomas Passenger 1685 Ferguson [Contains:-
Book 1. Of Drawing.
Book 2. Of Engraving Etching and Limning.
Book 3. Of Painting, Washing, Colouring, Dying, Varnishing and Gilding.
Book 4. Containing the Original. Advancement and Perfection of the Art of Painting: Particularly exemplified in the various Paintings of the Antients.
Book 5. An Idea of the Arts of Beautifying, Perfuming, Alchimy and Chiromancy.
Book 6. Containing the one hundred and twelve Arcanums of Peter John Faber, a most eminent and learned Physician.
Book 7. The Cabinet of Physick; or, a Collection of choice Medicines fitted for vulgar use.]