
2277.3 William SALMON. Polygraphice: or, the arts of Drawing, Engraving, Etching, Limning, Painting, Vernishing, Japaning, Gilding, etc. In Two Volumns... The eighth edition. Enlarged, with above Five Hundred considerable additions thro' the whole Work; and the Addition of almost five whole Books, not in any of the former Impressions: Adorned with XXV Copper Sculptures, the like nevre yet Extant. 8° London, Printed for A. and J. Churchill 1701 Ferguson [Contains:-
1. The Arts of Drawing Men, Women, Landskips, etc.
2. Of Engraving, Etching, and Limning.
3. Of Painting, Washing, Coloring, Gilding.
4. Of the Original, Advancement and Perfection of Painting, with the Various Paintings of the Ancients.
5. Of the Arts of Beautifying and Perfuming.
6. Of the Arts of Dying and Staining.
7. Of Alchymie, and the Grand Elixir of Philosophers.
8. Of the 112 Chymical Arcana of Peter Faber.
9. Of Chiromantical Signatures.
10. Of Staining and Painting Glass, Enamel and Gems.
11. Of Vernishing, Japaning and Gilding.]