Database of alchemical Iconography
Uraltes chymisches Werck, welches ehedessen von dem Autore Theils in Lateinischer und Arabischer, theils auch in Chaldäischer und Syrischer Sprache geschrieben, nachmals von einem Anonymo in unsere deutsche Muttersprache übersetzet, nun aber nebst zugehörigen Kupfern, Figuren, Gefässen, Desen, einer kurzen Vorrede, nöthingen Registern, wie auch beygefügten Schlüssel derer in selbigem vorkommenden fremden Wörter, ingleichen einigen philosophischen Regeln von dem Steine der Weisen zu Nutz und Gebrauch aller Liebhaber der edlen hermetischen Philosophie, in II. Theilen zum öffentlichen Druck befördert worden durch Julium Gervasium Schwatzburgicum, P.M. & I.P.E.
8° Erfurt: Augustinus Crusius 1735
2. Donum Dei Samuelis Baruch, des Juden Rabbi, Astrologi und Philosophi, gebohren aus dem Stamm Abrahams, Isaacs, Jacobs und Judä, welcher erlernet das grosse Geheimniss des grossen Meisters Tubalkains aus dessen Tabell, gefunden von Abrahamo Eliazare, dem Juden.]
64 illustrations - 16 symbolic - 48 equipment
"J.E. Boeck sculpsit Weymar."
1. Frontispiece engraving. 146x92mm. A hebrew priest stands on a square plinth and holds a flask in his right hand inside of which a serpent seizes its tail forming an ouroboros. From the neck of the flask three tulip-like flowers emerge. On the left is a high cliff with trees or plants growing on the summit. At its foot are two caves. An animal is entering one of these caves, while from the other a stream or river emerges (or enters). This stream passes beneath the figure of the priest and enters a cave or tunnel in a small mound on top of which are three vines with grapes. On the right beside and behind the priest's plinth is a circular tower surmounted with a globe and cross.

2. Inserted after p8. Engraving 142x94mm. No. 1. In front of a tree bare of leaves, two serpent dragons seize each other's tail and form an ouroboros. The upper snake is winged and wears a crown. On the left foreground a tulip-like flower is growing.

3. p14 Woodcut in text 33x17mm. Retort.

4. p15 Woodcut in text 39x27mm. Flask.

5. p15 Woodcut in text 30x21mm. Alembic.

6. p17 Woodcut in text 33x22mm. Long-necked flask.

7. p17 Woodcut in text 28x15mm. Flask.

8. p18 Woodcut 92x32mm. Flask in cylindrical furnace.

9. Inserted after p26. Engraving 141x94mm. No. 2. A serpent is crucified on a cross. In the left foreground a tulip-like flower is wilting, it flower bending to the ground. Immediately behind this a tree stump sprouts new leaves.

10. p30 Woodcut in text 24x30mm. Retort.
11. p30 Woodcut in text, reprinting of item 5.
12. p32 Woodcut in text, reprinting of item 3.
13. p33 Woodcut in text, reprinting of item 4.
14. p33 Woodcut in text, reprinting of item 6.
15. p39 Woodcut in text. 43x28mm. Flask.
16. Inserted after p44. Engraving 142x92mm. No. 3. A river flows from out of (or into) a cave or tunnel below a hill. On the left of this hill is a viaduct, behind which a row of trees grows along a ridge. On the right is a circular walled garden, within which a tree is seen. On an open plain the river or stream forms tributaries, and beside it five snakes or serpents crawl on the ground.

17. p47 Woodcut 77x32mm. Square furnace with flasks.
18. p49 Woodcut 150x32mm. Circular furnace with fractional distillation apparatus.

19. p53 Woodcut 50x32mm. A plant with the form of a mercury symbol grows out of a crucible.
20. p54 Woodcut in text. 27x19mm. Crucible.
21. p55 Woodcut in text. 37x20mm. Wide-bellied flask with wide condensing head.
22. p57 Woodcut in text. 54x25mm. Flask.
23. p59 Woodcut in text. 34x35mm. Crucible surrounded by wreath of leaves.
24. Inserted after p62. Engraving 141x94mm. No. 4. The figure of Hermes or Mercury wearing his winged helmet stands holding his caduceus in his right hand. He is attached from the ground below by a three tongued dragon (possibly breathing forth fire or flames), and also from the air above by Saturn or Chronos, complete with hour-glass on his head. Saturn with his scythe tries to cut off the legs of Mercury.

25. p65 Woodcut in text, reprinting of item 5.
26. p68 Woodcut in text. 80x31mm. Flask with still head.
27. p71 Woodcut in text, reprinting of item 5.
28. p71 Woodcut in text, reprinting of item 3.
29. p72 Woodcut in text. 80x33mm. Rectangular furnace with flask in side and another on top.
30. Inserted after p78. Engraving 143x96mm. No. 5. An avenue with seven trees on either side, leads to a large rose bush with seven blossoms. Two streams (one forked) pass down this avenue to the foot of the rose bush. Two workmen dig and hoe the earth in this garden, while on the right a man stands holding a balance or set of scales.

31. p82 Woodcut in text. 56x46mm. A winged dragon breathes out fire. Above is the conjoined Sun and Moon.
32. p83 Woodcut in text. 43x28mm. A three headed dragon.
33. p83 Woodcut in text, reprinting item 3.
34. p84 Woodcut in text. 36x30mm. A six-legged dragon seizes its own tail in the ouroborus.
35. p84 Woodcut in text. 57x34mm. Figure with head and torso of woman and with lower part a dragon's tail.
36. p85 Woodcut in text. 80x32mm. Figure with two heads, the torso of a woman and the tail of a dragon.
37. p86 Woodcut in text. 43x36mm. A lion is attacked by a bird.
38. p87 Woodcut in text. 61x35mm. On top of a rectangular block marked with a heart, a serpent and a winged dragon form a circle by biting each others tails'
39. p90 Woodcut in text, reprinting of item 10.
40. Inserted after p94. Engraving. 142x94mm. No. 6. A triple blossomed flower grows on the top of a high mountain. From the right a wind blows on it from a cloud above, while below two winged griffins blow breaths of wind from their mouths towards the plant. Beside the griffins at the bottom of the mountain are two caves. In the forground two winged serpents or snakes, lie on the ground. They have triple forked tongues (or possibly are breathing forth fire or flames).

41. p98 Woodcut in text. 41x33mm. Figure with head and torso of a woman and tail of a dragon, holds up a mask.
42. p99 Woodcut in text. 47x33mm. From out of a chalice grow a vine on the left and wheat on the right, upon which two birds perch. Between these two plants is a mercury plant.
43. p100 Woodcut in text. 50x25mm. A wide-bodied flask has another flask set upon its neck to act as a condenser.
44. p102 Woodcut in text, reprinting item 21.
45. Inserted after p108. Engraving 142x96mm. No. 7. On the right under a tree, four soldiers with swords are killing children, and throwing the bodies into a well on the left. Beside the wall of this well stand two figures, one Sun-headed and the other Moon-headed. One of these seems about to enter the well. In the foreground a woman collects the blood of one of the infants into a jug, or vessel. On the left beside her a plant with two flowers grows.

46. p115 Woodcut in text, reprinting item 10.
Donum Dei.
47. p16 Woodcut in text. 57x36mm. Wide bellied flask with large stopper.
48. p17 Woodcut in text. 41x30mm. Flask fitted with still head.
49. p17 Woodcut in text. 48x24mm. Long-necked flask.
50. p18 Woodcut in text, reprinting item 6
51. p18 Woodcut in text, reprinting item 10.
52. p19 Woodcut in text, reprinting item 21.
53. p20 Woodcut in text 68x36mm. Rectangular furnace.
54. p21 Woodcut in text. 92x32mm. Cylindrical furnace with flask on tripod.
55. p22 Woodcut in text. 44x26mm. Crucible from which a man with radiant head, possibly image of the Sun.
56. p34 Woodcut in text. 21x31mm. Unidentified image.
57. Inserted at end of volume. Engraving. 142x94mm. No. 1. The signs of the four elements are set in a square. Within this is a four lobed circular form, inside which is a hexagram or seal of Solomon. In the six triangular vertices is the six lettered name of God ADONAI, while around the hexagram are six letters in an angelic alphabet. At the centre of the hexagram is a circle with an inscribed triangle. Around the triangle are the symbols of Mercury, Sulphur and Salt, and inside it is a further circle , at the centre of which is a small circle surmounted with the letter 'T'. At the bottom is "The central sign of Nature is the essential tincture and oil. Mercury, Sulphur, Salt ". No. 2. A circle has a crown set over it and a label below with the Tetragrammaton 'Azoth' and 'Confusio'. Inside the circle at the bottom are flames of fire, while at the top is a triangle of light. From the left and right of the circle two winds blow. In the centre of the circle is inscribed another circle inside of which is the scene of a river flowing from (or to) a cave under a mountain on the left across a plain, on the right side of which is a smaller hill upon which a line of trees are growing.

58. Inserted at end of volume. Engraving. 143x94mm. No. 3. Two serpent dragons seize each other's tail and form an ouroboros. The upper snake is winged and wears a crown. The signs of the four elements are set in a square around them. Associated with Water at the top left is Philosophical Mercury and Spirit; Air at the top right has Philosophical Sulphur and Soul; Fire at the bottom left has Philosophical Salt and 'Leib' - body or belly; while at the bottom right is Philosophical Earth and 'Corpus' - Body. No. 4. A single serpent dragon or snake seizes its tail and forms the ouroboros. It is crowned. In a square around it are 'The fixed fire' at the top left; 'The Holy Earth' on the bottom left and the 'First Paradise' at the lower right.

59. Inserted at end of volume. Engraving. 141x94mm. No. 5. A strange dragon blowing a wind or fumes from its mouth walks across a plain. Its small children suckle at its breasts. No. 6. A two headed dragon with six legs, breathes forth fire from each of its mouths.

60. Inserted at end of volume. Engraving. 142x94mm. No. 7. A hexagram is inscribed within a rectangle. In each of the vertices of the hexagram are Salt, Sulphur, Mercury and Spirit, Soul, Body. In the corners of the rectangle are the symbols of the four elements. No. 8. A strange dragon sitting on the ground has a sun like head. It is labelled 'Baal'.

61. Inserted at end of volume. Engraving. 141x94mm. No. 9. A pair of triangles are inscribed in a circle. The circle has "Tria sunt mirabilia; Deus et homo ; Mater et virgo; Trinus et unus" There are three marvels - God and Man - Mother and Virgin - The Three and the One. The triangles are labelled 'Japhah' and 'Kedar'. Inside these triangles is a circle with a cross at the top. The circle has 'Trigon centri centrum set'. and another smaller circle at its centre. No. 10. A serpent is crucified on a cross which stands upon a circle labelled 'Azoth'.

62. Inserted at end of volume. Engraving. 144x94mm. No. 11. A crowned flying dragon breathing fire attacks a serpent or snake lying on the ground. No. 12. A man stands holding a triple blossomed plant in his left hand. It has a tulip-like flower and two four-petalled flowers on either side. On the left is a small hill with a tree growing on top, while on the right is another small hill on which stands a classical column on the top of which is a lamb or sheep. A stream runs between the two hills from out of a cave, at the foot of each hill.

63. Inserted at end of volume. Engraving. 143x94mm. No. 13. The breastplate of the high priest, the Urim. It has twelve precious gems upon it in clusters of three. It also has the Angel names 'Mahael' and 'Raphael'. The names of God 'Tetragrammaton', 'Agla' and 'Adonai'. No. 14. Two winged griffins sit with their backs towards each other, though their head are turned around to face each other. They are seated at the bottom of a hill, upon which a four-petalled flower grows. At the base of the hill is a small cave or tunnel from which a stream pours and flows to the right and left.

64. Inserted at end of volume. Engraving. 142x94mm. No. 15. A naked King lies on the ground, as if dead, his head on a pillow at the bottom of a hill on the left. A serpent or snake coils itself around his body. On the right is a tree, and at his feet a pond or lake.