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British Library MS. Sloane 1105. Paper. Small Quarto. 29 folios. 16th Century. 1. Excerpta alchymica, in Latin. f.1.
2. Tractatulus de lapide philosophorum; praefigitur titulus 'Medullae philosophiae.' ff.4-11.
Incip. 'Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi.'
3. An Alchemical tract intitled 'The openinge of the secreate of secreates, doone by the arte of philosophy'. ff.12-15.
Begin, 'Fyrste understand and knowe, that all our secreate maystry ye doone'.
4. De lapide pellucide Platonis, quae magnesia vocatur. ff.16-24.
5. Collectanea 'de aere nigro', Latine et Anglice. ff.25-29.