Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 24.
83 folios. 263x196mm. 18th Century.

1. f1 Priere a Dieu. Le Lîon Verd ou la Grande et la tres excellente Oeuvre des Sages par Jaques le Tesson. Chaudet Decembre 1786.
f2 [Two talismans 'Téosophique', with commentary in French.]
f41v [Pen drawing entitled 'Anneau de Platon' of double ouroboros dragons around a central hexagram with planetary symbols, copied from the frontispiece to Anton Josef Kirchweger, Aurea Catena Homeri, Franckfurt, 1723.]
2. f42-43 La Fontaine D'Aréthuse.
[Engraving inserted after f43 shows classical scene with Asclepius (?) holding rod with serpent entwined, and female figure holding another serpent. Both figures lean on an cubic carved stone, upon which we see a cloaked hermas (?) figure.]
3. f44-50 La Lumiere du jour. trés parfait opuscule ou passage de la mer rouge. [See Philovite (pseud) La Lumiere du Jour.]
f44v [Pen drawing of a 'figura cabalae', which has a man standing with legs and arms outstretched to form a pentagram. The symbols of the seven planets are arrainged around him. There radiates from the name of God Jehovah, at the top of the figure, streams of light. At the centre of the figure is a flaming heart pierced by an arrow. Below is an note, 'extrait cette figure d'un ouvrage du 3 ou 4 tome du theatrum chimique 1787.']
f51 Esculape Egyptien [drawing of Seraphis figure.]
f52 Ecussion Simbolique [fine water colour of heraldic shield with alchemical symbols] let écussion est copiée exactement d'aprés le vitrager qui at daus La Chopelle de St Thomas J'aquin, ancienne eglise de jacobins de la Rue St Jaques.
4. f53-71 Le Trés Preçieux Don De Dieu. Par Gregorius Aurach D'argentine en 1475. [with 12 watercolour figures of 'Donum Dei' process in flask.]
5. f75-83 Etoile de sages. Ex tenebris lux ipsa emerget ipsa enim potuit latibulum suum quia apparuit in monte circumdato caligine et nebula.