Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 125.
546 + 8 pages. 244x185mm. 18th Century.

1. p1-545 Microcosmos or the little World, Man, in his Primaeval and fallen State, to his Adoption to be the Son of God. Mens in Coelis, quies in Terris.
[This is a commentary by Dionysius Andreas Freher on the Three Tables from the William Law edition of Boehme's works. These three elaborate engravings, which have sections which open up to reveal other underlying images, are pasted in at the beginning of the manuscript.]
[Note written by Richard Cosway M.A. a 19th century portrait painter who owned the manuscript added to title page 'Faithfully translated from the Original Latin written by Petrus Paulus Rubenius'. Richard Cosway in an attempt to credit this work to Peter Paul Rubens has inserted an engraved portrait of Rubens, together with a portrait of himself.]
2. p546 [Manuscript extract from the Times August 31 1825, concerning astrological symbolism connected with Louis XIII of France.]
3. [At end there is inserted 8 pages from a printed book entitled 'An Illustration of Astrology'.]
[Other copies of the work are found in British Library Mss Add 5786 and 5787, and Dr Williams's Library Mss. Walton I.1.31, I.1.32, I.1.33, I.1.49 and I.1.70.]