Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 115.
54 folios. 196x153mm. 17th or 18th Century.

Opera Magiae Naturalis Mirabili Naturae Pneumo-cosmicae pennicillo Efformata. Per artem Naturae Simiam ad ipsum Naturae universalis Cahoticae [sic] Prototypon in totidem ectypis adumbrata atque ad perpetuum rei memoriam conservata.
[A series of 52 beautifully executed watercolour circular drawings (110 to 130mm in diameter), seem to illustrate the emergence of form out of chaos, the precipitation of the divine into earthly embodiment. The forms depicted are very amorphous, the paint being applied in many overlapping layers.]
[Drawings on recto folios only.]
[Watermarks 'Vriheit', 'Pro patria' and 'Horn - D&C Blauw' consistent with dating to mid 18th Century.]