Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 216.
108 pages. 355x215mm. 17th Century.

[Treatise in English on alchemy by Humphrey Lock.]
1. p1-6 [Dedicatory verse to Lord Sir William Cecill, Lord of Burleige, Knight of the Order and high Treasurer of England.]
2. p7-80 [Alchemical treatise in 33 chapters.]
3. p81-87 'I have also hereunto added certaine abbreviations in meter, which I had drawne out long before I began this book...'
['Of Ferment' and 'Ripleis Castle' in verse.]
4. p87 [In margin]: 'The worke of women and ye play of Children'.
[Extract from a work beginning at chapter 15 and finishing at Chapter 17.]
[At end p90.]: 'This former treatise was written out of an ancient booke by Actam a doctor dwelling in the famous citie of Lipsia, which ancient booke doth belong sometimes to Carolus the fourth Emperour of the Romans, out of which booke hee did cause our Stone to bee wrought and did most perfectly accomplish it, who also did build many churches, collegiate and cathedral and hospitalls. Finis. Womens worke and Childrens play.'
[Note in margin]: '[...] 1s day of Aprill 1614.'
5. p91 The Standing of that glasse for the time of the putrifaction and congelation of the Medicine by H.L.
6. p92 Here followe the Sawes of Philosophie, that is privie and of truth thereof our philosophical Stone hath noe proper name but is called by diverse names etc.
7. f97 To Calcine true [...].
8. f99 Hereafter followeth a Ball for Alkamists to play withall.
9. f100 The sublimation of Sal Armoniack for the Redd tincture following.
10. f101 Here followeth the quintaeccentie of Antimonye.
11. f102 Out of the Booke of the Redd workes.
12. f106 A note how to make Ressin the Stones of Arabia called Lapis Tintall, whereof Borax is made, the which Gouldsmiths use.
13. f107 To make artificial pearls.
[At end]: 'Probatum est H.L.'
[See British Library MS. Sloane 299.]