British Library MS. Sloane 1321.
Paper. Quarto. 40 folios. 17th Century.

An anonymous treatise upon Magnetical Physic, divided into three parts; containing:-1. Twelve conclusions upon the Nature of the Soul. f.2-13.
The first is, 'The soule is not only in its proper visible body, but also without, neither is it circumscribed in an organical body.'
2. 'An hundred Aphorismes conteyning the whole body of Naturall magick, being the Key to open that which goeth before and which followeth after.' ff.14-19.
The first begins, 'The whole world is animated with the first supreame and intellectual soule.'
3. 'Of things necessary in a Physitian before he undertake this part of Magnetical Physicks.' ff.20-40.
Begins, 'There are many things necessary for him that understands the practize of this art, and doe any good by itt.'