British Library MS. Sloane 288.
Paper. Folio. 213 folios. 17th Century.

Formerly in the possession of Gabriel Gostwyk, and of John Poore.
A collection of tracts on Alchymy and Chymistry, namely,
1. An imperfect tract on alchymy. f.1.
2. 'the breefe speach of John Poore' concerning the Philosopher's stone, translated into English the 26th Febr. 1600, with a prologue. f33.
3. 'Johannis Sautre, Monarchi de Toorneye,' liber de Alchymia. f.41.
In fine vesus heroici novem, qui incipiunt, 'Haec sunt secreta queis gaudebis sine meta.'
4. 'Valde bona notibilia ex libro Jo. Chaunte'. [Imperfect.] f.52.
5. John Dastin's Dream; a poem on alchymy. f.54.
Printed, the last stanza excepted, by Ashmole, in the Theatrum Chymicum., p.257.
6. 'Litera bona et preciosa de operatione hujus artis.' f.58b.
At the end, 'revised per exemplar Reverendi Higini.'
7. Several alchymical receipts, gathered chiefly from Raymond Lully. f.60.
8. The prologue of Richard Carpenter on the Philosopher's stone, in 104 verses. f.64.
At the end, 'this was the prologue of one Richard Carpenter; the rest of the booke is wanting; quoth T. Charnock.' Printed, with the exception of a few verses, by Ashmole, in the Theatrum Chymicum, p.275.
9. Another series of about 230 verses of a similar kind. f.66.
They begin: 'In a garden as I ganne walke, My fantasie fill full wounderfullie.'
10. 'Tractatus Philosophorum quem vocaverint Thesaurum absconditum,' de lapide. f.69.
Begins: 'Nota per infrascriptam distillationem.'
11. 'Cantilena Georgii Ripley de lapide Philosophico seu de Phenice,' exscripta e libro magistri Willielmi Brueri 4 Jan 1598. f.70.
Exstat inter Riplaei opear, ed Cassel 1649, p.421.
At the end, 'Revised per librum,.... Atkins cum picturis.'
12. 'A treatise of alchyme, bot short and true, but obscure,' in about ninety-four verses. f.73.
Printed by Ashmole, p.393.
13. 'Certain verses founde in somme olde copyes writen before Thomas Norton his alkemye,' forty in number; in Latin. f.74b.
'Liber iste clericis.
monstrat scientiam,
Liber sed laicis.
auget inscitiam.'
14. The same; in English. f.75.
15. 'Marginall notes uppon the marrowe of Philosophie.' f.76.
16. 'The marrowe of Philosophye, by George Rypleye, translated into Englishe.' f.78.
17. Acetum Philosophorum ex exemplari Ricardi Ipsley; partim Anglice, partim Latine. f.91.
18. 'Of the easiest way in practize of the Philosopher's stone.' f.100.
19. George Ripley's Philorcium alchymiae, translated into English. f.101.
20. De alchymia optima et electa quaedam e variis auctorum, praecipue Doctoris Marston, collectionibus excepta. f.108.
21. Processes of alchymy out of a MS. book of Joh. Chaunte. f.122.
22. Processes 'out of Mr Hughe Platte his Juellhouse of arte and nature.' f.126b.
23. 'Ex libro magistri Barrett, called, The arte of lymninge, made by a Monke of Ensham,' etc. f.127b.
Begins: 'Aurum musicum, cum quo poteris quicquid volueris deaurare.'
24. Rogeri Bacon de chymia tractatulus. f.136.
25. A few alchymical excerpts and receipts. f.138b.
26. Extracts from Raymond Lully and others, and from tracts of George Ripley. f.146.
27. Fifty-two lines from the poem of Pearce, the Black Monk, on the elixir. f.164.
They are entitled, 'Ex rotula Richardi Hypsley.' Printed by Ashmole, p.269.
28. Several receipts concerning alchymy. f.164b.
29. 'The conclusion of Mr Thomas Hende.' f.165b.
At the end, 'Ex rotula fratris sui R. Hipsi.'
30. Rogeri Baconis verbum abbreviatum, seu hortus thesaurorum. f.167.
Begins: 'Thesaurum hunc, qui semel habuerit ultro non egebit.' At the end, 'Revised by D. Giff. and my olde exemplars.'
31. Tractatulus de re alchymica 'excellens et notatu dignus.' f.169.
32. Tractatulus de separatione quatuor elementorum. f.170.
33. Praeparationes alchymicae; partim Latine, partim Anglice. f.171b.
34. 'The pleasant garden of the philosophers, which teacheth to make gold and silver.' f.175.
35. Testamentum Geberi, summi Philosophorum, alias St Thomas de Aquino. f.179.
36. 'Secretum secretorum; his tractatus Plinio Philosopho ascribitur.' f.182.
37. Quaedam de antimonio inscripta, 'Mundus philosophicus de Adrope, et niger nigrius nigro.' f.184.
38. A treatise upon certain alchymical elixirs. f.185.
39. Various alchymical preparations and extracts on alchymy; partly English, partly Latin. f.188.
40. 'Magistri Joannis Daustin [Dastin] Visio, transcripta 7 Idus Martii A.D. 1328; scripta apud Northampton.' f.209.
41. A few alchymical receipts. f.211.